The Girl, the Fish and the Wardrobe!

Apr 19, 2010 22:00

Just a short entry to share something I did that made me proud, & something I saw that made me hysterical!

First things first: In the first half of this month, I engaged in very, very overdue attack on my accumulation of clothes in my overloaded closet and drawers. *blush* But the campaign was a success! *cheer* I ended up removing 9 shirts, 5 belts, 3 shorts, 2 jeans, 2 two-piece outfits, 2 blouses, 2 skirts, 2 leggings, 1 dress, 1 slacks, 1 capri, and 1 pair of gloves. I donated all of them to Unicorn Thrift Shop, one of two thrift shops run by the volunteer auxiliary of EMQ Families First, formerly known as EMQ Children & Family Services, formerly know (even before that) as Eastfield Ming Quong. I feel strongly about supporting this South Bay-based nonprofit for two reasons: (1) I learned a great deal about them when I wrote & edited for a community newspaper group & have always been impressed w/ EMQ; and (2) I personally know a family that was greatly helped by the interventions & programs EMQ offers.

There were also 6 to 10 items (I know, not a good estimate! heh) from my closet & drawers that I simply threw away, because they weren't in a good enough state to donate. OH! And there were also about 2 items I gave to my mom. So that's 40+ items IN TOTAL that are no longer taking up space in my bedroom! :D Go me!! Now there's a lot more room for the remaining things to fit comfortably, and it will be a lot easier for me to find them! Plus I'm happy knowing EMQ will benefit, and also (I hope) a lot of random strangers will be happy wearing my "previously loved" items! A win/win/win situation!!! :D

A few of that just "weren't me" anymore. However, unfortunately MOST of these items were things that no longer fit me anymore. :( For most of the last decade, I was close to being underweight. Now I'm more of an average healthy weight, but that means a lot of my really skinny clothes no longer fit. *sigh* I've also developed a very small amount of "middle age spread". *blush* It can't really be seen by others, but I can feel it when I put on my old clothes.

Next thing -- the other day I saw a commercial for Febreze on TV. I've seen commercials for it before, but I never saw THIS particular one before! Apparently it's not even that new. *shrug* Anyhoo, I found it completely hilarious & was truly laughing out loud! :D Several parts of it tickled me: the way in which the blubfish swims/shimmies thru the house; the googlie-eyed face of the fish; the "last night's dinner" comment; and the AMAZING facial expression of the boy on the couch! LOL! Every time I view the commercial, it amuses me. I hope it amuses other folks too! Here it is! (Some of you already saw this when I shared it on Facebook, but if you only follow me here on LiveJournal, you obviously don't know I shared it. *chuckle*)

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daily life, clothing, donation, humour, health, video

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