April Fool! ;D

Apr 02, 2006 12:08

I guess it serves me right that not many folks commented on the previous entry, because it was FAKE! ;) It was just my lame attempt at an April Fool's Day joke! (Or maybe not many folks commented because I'd said that I didn't know when I would be back online).

I don't know how convincing my frantic rantings were (at least a little bit? heehee), but I'm happy to say that none of the computer disasters happened yesterday. I actually had a GREAT Saturday visiting, shopping and lunching with my mom and my favourite cousin. :) I also played April Fool's jokes on 3 people, and I got one joke played on ME (by a 6-year-old, no less! *giggle*) I also got to feed and chat with Twinkie, the newest of my squirrel friends.

I'll tell all about why it was such a great day later, because right now I need to do some house-cleaning I've been putting off, PLUS I really do need to finish my freelance writing projects! :|

jokes, holidays

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