A happy Mother's Day! :)

May 10, 2009 23:01

And I mean that in 2 ways. First: I hope everyone reading this had a happy Mother's Day, whether you're a mom, stepmom, grandma, aunt, daughter, son, stepchild, grandchild, etc.! And second: I had a good Mother's Day with my mom today, and here is a brief (yes, I actually said that word!) recap.

I woke up a half hour before my alarm was set to ring, which is rare for me on mornings when my alarm is set (heh), but this was a good morning for it to happen. :) There was lots going on today, so I'm glad I got a head start. I did a load of laundry for my mom, helped her make Sunday brunch (which she loves doing), and drove her on errands. Well, sort of errands. First we went to Los Gatos Memorial Park, the "final resting place" (that sounds weirdly poetic) of both of her parents, my maternal grandparents. Not only did she want to go b/c it was Mother's Day, but today (May 10) also happens to be the anniversary of the day that my grandpa passed away, back in the 1980s. So today was bittersweet for my mom. :/

Then we were going to stop at the Los Gatos post office so I could check my P.O. Box (long story about why I have one there) but the Farmers' Market was still in full swing, and we couldn't find parking. That's too bad, not only b/c I wanted to check my Box but also it would've been cool to check out the market as it was winding down -- sometimes a good time to get deals! ;) So instead we stopped at Starbucks so my mom could use a restroom and so I could "break in" (haha) the generous giftcard clarachien mailed me for my B-Day! *blush* Then a quick stop at Lunardi's (in San Jose, not LG) to buy a few things they had on ad, then home!

Afterwards, I did some Facebooking, spent some time with the rattums, and made the whole dinner! Not gonna let mom cook on Mother's Day! :) I made a festive salad w/ red butter lettuce, spinach, carrots, olives, tomatoes, garlic-ginger won ton strips and Salad Toppins, plus one of my few "specialty dishes" -- as I'm not a very good cook. :\ The dish was a creamy chicken, biscuits and veggies casserole from a free promo recipe card set I got YEARS ago from Grandma's Kitchen Recipes, which doesn't seem to be in biz under that name anymore. When I have more time, I'll have to post the recipes; it's easy & always delicious!! :D

Another very cool part of Mother's Day was my mom and I watching a major "chick flick" while my dad watched the Sci Fi Channel upstairs (heehee). My mom had been given the DVD of the Sex & the City movie back in December from two of her close friends, and watched it within days. I kept meaning to watch it some time with her, but somehow it never happened until NOW, 5 months later! *blush* Sorry mom! But she was tickled pink to watch it again, and I really enjoyed it too. I even started to get idealistically choked up toward the end! :') I've seen various episodes of Sex & the City on TV, but didn't watch it with the utter devotion my mom did. I know, I know, some of you who know my mom might find this hilarious, but it's true! She's a true aficionado of that show! *giggle*

Oh, getting back to the rats for a moment, THANK YOU to everyone who thought good thoughts for Jellybean, when I was worried about his abscess being lanced at the vet clinic. It turns out the vet did NOT lance the abscess, b/c it wasn't close enough to the skin's surface yet to successfully do the procedure. i.e. It probably wouldn't drain well enough. So I'm still giving Jelly antibiotics (Baytril) twice a day, which he takes wonderfully mixed w/ a tiny bit of vanilla Ensure. The vet said I can try putting warm compresses on the abscess to try to get it to open on its own (kind of like getting a big zit to come to a head). It appears to be coming to a head on its own, which would be great b/c then I could save Jelly (and his brother Blueberry) the stress and upset of another trip to the vet, plus it would save me the money of another visit. I would simply keep the little wound religiously clean, keep the cage bedding religiously fresh, and keep Jelly on the antibiotics, and from what I hear, these things heal very FAST! So, please continue with your good thoughts for my sweet boy! :) Thanks!!

And now that it's almost 11:30 p.m., I'm going to wrap up for the night. I hope everyone has a good Monday -- if such a thing can be said about Mondaze! *grin* Just be glad you have a job, if indeed you have one, because I'm still dutifully searching for work. I just hope my first unemployment check (which will be retroactively larger than the future ones) comes this week, now that my severance pay from work has ended.

rats, mother's day, facebook, movies, family, food, mom, unemployment

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