25 Random Facts About Shari!

Feb 05, 2009 11:58

For the last week or two, this meme was spreading like wildfire over at Crackbook... I mean Facebook! ;) I guess I must be pretty popular (heehee), because I kept getting tagged by more and more people as each day passed. So, finally, I caved in and did the meme myself! The original directions state that you're supposed to tag 25 other people to participate, but I'm not going to tag anyone. However, I hope that some of you will participate, because I'd love to learn more about y'all! And even if you don't participate, you can always comment! *grin*

1. I have a great fear of getting insects in my hair. It makes me wig out (funny pun but also true!) It got worse a few years ago when I actually GOT one in my hair! It was a wasp, and it stung me on the arm when I was reaching up to my hair. At least it didn't sting my scalp!

2. I don't really like cooking, and am not that good at it. I do, however, enjoy baking.

3. I occasionally eat some of my rats' treats, such as small animal yogurt drops, Pet Pasta, and baked veggie/apple "strudels".

4. I sometimes make a wish when I see 11:11 on a digital clock. *blush* I sometimes also make a wish on the first star I see at night. I don't believe that doing these things will ensure the wish comes true, but it's just kind of a fun and dreamy sort of thing to do.

5. I often sneeze when exposed to bright light. If I have a sneeze coming, looking at light helps, but even if I have NO sneezeful feeling, I can start sneezing from light -- especially if I just took off my sunglasses outdoors.

6. I do not like coffee, avocado (except in guacamole) or any type of steak -- these are things that apparently almost everyone else DOES like, so I'm in the weird minority. *smirk* Of these three things, I dislike steak the most! :(

7. I believe in soulmates, but I don't believe that each of us only has ONE person on earth who can fulfill that. So for example, if you marry your soulmate and he/she dies 10 years later, I believe you can still find another person who could qualify as a soulmate. :)

8. I like nectarines better than peaches. It's not because nectarines lack fuzz -- I actually like peach fuzz! But nectarines seem to ripen more successfully for me than peaches, and seem to have a stronger flavor.

9. I like to name inanimate things, especially CARS! (My old car was Baby, my current car is Flora. I've also named the cars of some family members and friends).

10. My fave flavours of Jello are lime and orange. I thought I'd love peach until I tried it, but was disappointed; it tastes more "artificial" than most of the others.

11. I have an aversion to touching or even looking at raw chicken pieces. I'm fairly okay with raw beef or pork, and am very okay with raw fish (i.e. fillets, not a dead fish), but I cannot stand raw chix! :[

12. My two fave colours are purple and green, in that order.

13. I'm allergic to raw pineapple and raw walnuts. If either of these is cooked, I'm generally okay.

14. I have a bad habit of nipping off the split ends on my long hair.

15. Some of the things I think men look very sexy with are kilts, moustaches, and blue jeans with cowboy boots or hiking boots.

16. I get very freaked out when I see pictures of aliens (the small slender creatures with the big heads, huge almond-shaped eyes and tiny noses and mouths). D: eeeekk!!

17. I love the fragrance of osmanthus and freesias even more than the fragrance of roses! I also like the smell of 4 o'clocks (certain ones), carnations, sweetpeas, and citrus tree blossoms.

18. Both of my parents have brown eyes, but I have green eyes.

19. I like to drink milk with ice cubes in it. Yes, it can make the milk a little watered down, but that's 200% better than the milk warming up. I think milk is GROSS when it's even a little bit warm!

20. Some of my recurring dream themes include: looking for the restroom and/or being in a restroom so large it's like a maze; being on a vacation or trip and forgetting something important (esp. camera, money or ear plugs); and tornadoes. I actually don't have tornado dreams much anymore, but did when I was younger.

21. I never completely learned how to ride a bicycle. *blush*

22. I like to use "ums" and "kins" as diminutive, cute endings for words and/or names.

23. I love almost ANY type of music from the 1980s, although my faves are New Wave, synth-pop and anthem rock (arena rock?)

24. My fave female names are Alannah, Carissa, Cassandra, Elizabeth, Hope, Joy, Julia, Melinda, Melody, Natalie. My fave male names are Alan, Alexander, Andrew, David, Derek/Derrick, Jack, Jeremy, Nathan, Paul, Stuart. (They're in alphabetical order, not preference order. However, my #1 FAVE female name is Elizabeth!)

25. Among the noises that annoy me the most: people scratching their skin loudly with their nails, people whispering and/or quietly giggling in a nearby cubicle at work; people who jangle the keys/coins in their pants pocket while talking to you (I had a professor who did this! UGH); babies crying hysterically; knuckle-cracking; nose-whistling.

Since I was nice enough (heehee) to not bug anyone by tagging them, y'all better leave some comments instead! ;D :)

random, meme, facebook

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