My Thanksgiving thanks, plus a yummy meme!

Nov 26, 2008 20:03

I'm celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow (Thursday) with my folks, my aunt Janie and my cousins Julie and Brandon, and I don't know how long the day will last or what else I'll be doing (maybe crashing, LOL!) so I decided to write this tonight. First, I want to share a graphic, because it took me 14 pages of Google images to find! :) I wanted something that said "Happy Thanksgiving" that included oak leaves and/or acorns (my fave motif) and also included a squirrel (I love rodents). FINALLY I found one, so I just had to share! Below the festive graphic is my sincere "gratitude list", followed by a funny and fun Thanksgiving feast meme featuring none other than YOU -- my LJ friends!! :D

I am thankful for:
my health, which isn't perfect but no one's really is, and mine's a lot better than many people's; the chance to celebrate Thanksgiving with 5 of my closest family members; many other family members who aren't local but whom I'm in touch with via phone, mail or email; two smart, loving, mellow, adorable, squishy, silly and healthy pet rats ("my boys"); a small handful of very close friends whom I love like sisters; a larger handful of close friends I also love; an even larger handful of LJ friends I enjoy so much, have learned so much from and hope to meet in person over time; a social life that's happier than it's been in years, and it's all thanks to (no, they didn't pay me to say that!); a wonderful job with good pay, rewarding/enjoyable work, rocking co-workers, a short commute, and a stable parent company; and the fact that after 8 years of George W. Bush's corrupt, plutocratic oligarchy (yep, I like big words -- look 'em up), the United States is finally going to become a democratic republic again!

And now the Thanksgiving feast meme, which I created on a year or two ago, because I wasn't satisfied with any of the Thanksgiving memes they already had! LOL

rats, work, thanksgiving, relationships, holidays, politics, family, livejournal, friends, food

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