My Colorado trip so far, as seen thru my cellphone!

Oct 24, 2008 16:35

I said in my previous entry that I'd only use LiveJournal's scrapbook/photo hosting feature that one time, but now I have to use it again! *chuckle* I've been taking TONS of pix with my digital camera here in Colorado, but I don't have a way to download them to my laptop. Even if I did, I don't have Photoshop here; only on my home desktop. So.... I took a few pix with my cellphone, emailed them to myself, downloaded them that way, and am now uploading them to LJ's scrapbook. *yawn* If you enjoy these, just WAIT 'til you see the REAL pix I took with my camera! :D But that will have to wait until I'm home, and since I don't get home until Sunday night, who knows when I'll actually post the pix? heh

OH! I almost forgot! I've been getting a lot of Where's George bills into circulation! I spent one or two at the Denver Stapleton International airport and one or two in the hotel gift shop. ALSO, while in the visitor center at Red Rocks (see below for what Red Rocks is) I used a credit card to pay for some souvenirs, but since I also wanted to use a Where's Geo bill there, I simply exchanged one of mine with the cashier for a regular dollar. She not only was familiar with Where's Geo, but actually has participated in it! :D :D I did the same bill exchange at a Starbucks (see below for more on that). My cousin Leah's boyfriend Carl was nice enough to buy my drink and snack, which totally surprised me, so afterwards I exchanged one of my stamped bills with the cashier for a regular one. And she too knows and loves Where's Geo! LOL! beckerbuns, thanks again for loaning me your Where's Geo ink stamps!

Please remember to CLICK on any of these pix to see a larger/somewhat better version!! :)
Shortly after getting into the Denver-Stapleton International Airport, I saw one of these "tornado shelter" signs. Tornadoes, as some of you know, TOTALLY freak me out, so I did not appreciate being reminded of them here. :O However, this is not tornado season!!

Look at my pretty hotel room! Quite a few of us out-of-towners are staying at the Four Points Sheraton Denver Southwest hotel, including my cousin Leah and her boyfriend Carl, who live in Arizona. They drove up to Colorado yesterday and also picked me up at the airport.

Even the swimming pool has four points! Too bad it was all covered up. :( Also, sorry about the blurriness; my window was kinda dirty, plus there was a reflection.

Dozens of Sharis in the bathroom mirror! How scary! ;O

Even hotel gift shops are not immune to the political circus currently going on. This was the coolest politics-related thing I saw -- it's a sign for your car! :) They also had signs for McPalin, but I didn't bother photographing those. *smirk*

A group of us went out to dinner last night, including my cousin Leah and her boyfriend Carl, and my cousin Steve, his wife Debbie and their daughter Deanna, who just turned 13. Yay for teenagerdom! :D I think she looks very young, though. Anyhoo, she and I took a great pic with my camera, but not with my cellphone, so what you see below is a close-up I took of my camera screen WITH my cellphone. Hence, it looks awful, but at least you can see me with my rockin' cousin! She is so sweet and genuine, and she LOVES animals immensely. No wonder we're related! ;D My cousin Carol from Arizona, her husband Danny and their kids Aaron and Shoney arrived today and are also at the Sheraton, but I only got real camera shots of them, not cellphone. :(

Today, Steve took me and a few other out-of-town cousins on a sightseeing tour. We went to the breathtakingly beautiful Red Rocks Park & Amphitheatre, did some sightseeing, did some souvenir shopping (I'm such a tourist!), took lots of photos, and had a picnic lunch sitting in the open-air amphitheatre. Here I am posting beneath one of the massive rock formations.

It was either this rock formation, or its neighbour, that I was posing beneath in the previous photo. This will look MUCH better on my digital camera's pix!!

Another of the amazing rock outcroppings! And this time with amazing lens flare! *giggle* When I saw the angle of the sun, I was hoping to get some type of prismatic effect -- and I was right!

It seems almost every other car here in Colorado is a Subaru! But it's not surprising, since they're rugged, well-engineered cars, most of which are "sport wagons" with real-time 4-wheel-drive. Here is a Legacy Outback (although it looks more like just an Outback). This pic was taken in the quaint mountain town of Morrison.

Here's the last pic of my set for this evening, because it's after 6 p.m. now, and I haven't even changed clothes and freshened my make-up, and we are meeting up for dinner around 7. There's a Starbucks just across the parking lot from my hotel; in fact, I think it shares the lot! So, being the weak-willed person I am (heehee) I walked over with Carl and had my guilty Java Chip Frappuccino and a healthy oatmeal raisin cookie. I'd hoped Leah would come too, but she was napping in their hotel room, so I just went with Carl. I appreciated the little caffeine boost, because now I'll be all set for more family fun for the rest of the night! *cheer*

starbucks, photos, family, vacation, where's george

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