Houseguests, expiring firewalls(?) & smiling coffeecake!

Sep 09, 2008 22:48

I'll explain about this crazy photo directly below, but I figured everyone would probably like to see it before reading about it. *giggle* I'm so glad I now have a cellphone with a camera on it!!

The houseguest
Yesterday (Monday) evening, my mom and I went to the ever-expanding San Jose Int'l Airport to pick up Jackie, whose plane was around an hour late due to (1) a big rainstorm in Chicago and (2) the pilot was waiting for someone to "sign off" on some type of maintenance that had been done on the plane.

I think I may've blogged about Jackie before, but if not, here she is (haha) in a nutshell -- she and my mom are celebrating 65 years of friendship this year! :D :D They've been best friends since third grade, and have kept in dedicated touch all these years. I grew up knowing Jackie, because she came to visit us approximately every other year (sometimes every year) when I was a child and a teenager. She still visits us, but it seems to be every two to three years. We have a variety of fun outings and activities planned for her 8-day stay. More as they happen!

The "expiring" firewall
Yesterday and today we had NO internet connectivity at my office. We could, however, send and receive email from our work addresses, due to the email connectivity coming from some special connection to our headquarters in another state. But the internet was totally down -- from our wired desktop computers AND from our wifi router. :( I heard today that the problem was due to our firewall "expiring". Huh?? I've never heard of that before -- how does that even happen? A firewall is just a piece of software; I didn't think you had to keep up some type of membership or payment relationship with its creator?!

ANYHOO, today I decided to bring my laptop, because about a year ago, when something like this happened, I was able to get on the unsecured wifi network of a neighboring office in our complex. Good thing I brought the laptop, because I was again successful! *cheer* I didn't use the laptop much myself, though, because Becky R. (my friend and co-worker) had gotten very behind in some editing and/or formatting work that involved using the internet to log onto some type of special server platform (I've NO idea what I just said! heh). So I let Becky use my laptop most of the time today, which lead one of my other co-workers to tell me I was the "consummate team player". *blush* :) I certainly wasn't trying to impress anyone, tho. I just knew that Becky needed net access more than I did today, so I gave her my laptop.

The smiling coffeecake
I took a walk to Starbucks this afternoon for my guilty pleasure, a Java Chip Frappuccino. While I was waiting for the person in front of me in line to order, I looked at the case of baked goods, as usual, and I instantly got a big grin out of the cinnamon swirl coffee cake slice that was smiling back at me!! :) It was so funny! Two little chunks of cinnamony, sugary crumb topping were the eyes, and the cinnamon swirl was the mouth! I was going to photograph it with my phone when suddenly it was my turn in line. I asked the barista to excuse me for a minute, telling her I'm crazy and I love to take random pix of things that strike me funny. She didn't mind. *giggle* In the meantime, the guy behind me in line came up to the pastry case and looked at the cake I was photographing. He started to laugh and exclaimed that it really DID look like a face!! What do y'all think?

daily life, photos, work, technology, humour, starbucks, family, friends, food

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