Am I "stereotypically white"? Are you?? CRAZY quiz!!

Aug 07, 2008 22:10

I found this today on It asks if you like/know various people, places, things and ideas. These nouns (heehee, Mad Libs!) are taken from a longer list at, an inane and irreverant blog. But the meme/quiz itself is at HelloQuizzy. Here is my result, followed by the 106-item list, which is so ZANY you gotta see it! ;D

Your result for Are You Stereotypically White?...
The Entry Level White Person

You've arrived! You take comfort in the fact that you're not what calls The Wrong Type of White Person, i.e., you're not a conservative, a redneck, or any of those other unsavory types. You take pride in the fact that you're more than mediocre; in fact, you're on your way to becoming a more advanced white person ... unless you're content where you are. That's cool, too.

Take Are You Stereotypically White? at HelloQuizzy

Just for kicks, I copied the 106-item list from StuffWhitePeopleLike, and am going to have a bit of fun with it. I will italicize things I like; strikethru things I dislike, do nothing to things I feel neutral about, and make blue the things I don't know or understand. (And I'll add comments, when appropriate, in parentheses). I hope some folks will do this list in THEIR blogs too! *hint* *grin*

* #106 Facebook (although I loathe MySpace!)
* #105 Unpaid Internships
* #104 Girls with Bangs (I like bangs on myself, anyway! heehee)
* #103 Sweaters
* #102 Children’s Games as Adults
* #101 Being Offended
* #100 Bumper Stickers
* #99 Grammar (Like DUH! I'm a copy editor! *grin*)
* #98 The Ivy League
* #97 Scarves
* #96 New Balance Shoes
* #95 Rugby
* #94 Free Healthcare
* #93 Music Piracy (if "mix CDs" count! heh)
* #92 Book Deals
* #91 San Francisco
* #90 Dinner Parties
* #89 St. Patrick’s Day
* #88 Having Gay Friends
* #87 Outdoor Performance Clothes
* #86 Shorts
* #85 The Wire
* #84 T-Shirts
* #83 Bad Memories of High School
* #82 Hating Corporations
* #81 Graduate School
* #80 The Idea of Soccer
* #79 Modern Furniture
* #78 Multilingual Children
* #77 Musical Comedy
* #76 Bottles of Water
* #75 Threatening to Move to Canada (Only when Shrub took office! *spew*)
* #74 Oscar Parties (raininroses threw the best ones!)
* #73 Gentrification
* #72 Study Abroad
* #71 Being the only white person around
* #70 Difficult Breakups (Huh? :( Who the hell likes a difficult breakup?!)
* #69 Mos Def
* #68 Michel Gondry (Never heard of him!)
* #67 Standing Still at Concerts (I prefer dancing!)
* #66 Divorce (Again, who would like something so sad?)
* #65 Co-Ed Sports
* #64 Recycling
* #63 Expensive Sandwiches (What's good about overpriced eats??)
* #62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People
* #61 Bicycles
* #60 Toyota Prius (hopefully my next car!)
* #59 Natural Medicine
* #58 Japan
* #57 Juno (I assume this means the movie?)
* #56 Lawyers
* #55 Apologies
* #54 Kitchen Gadgets
* #53 Dogs
* #52 Sarah Silverman
* #51 Living by the Water
* #50 Irony
* #49 Vintage
* #48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops
* #47 Arts Degrees
* #46 The Sunday New York Times
* #45 Asian Fusion Food (only sometimes! I'm not too daring)
* #44 Public Radio
* #43 Plays
* #42 Sushi
* #41 Indie Music
* #40 Apple Products
* #39 Netflix
* #38 Arrested Development
* #37 Renovations
* #36 Breakfast Places
* #35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report
* #34 Architecture
* #33 Marijuana
* #32 Vegan/Vegetarianism
* #31 Snowboarding
* #30 Wrigley Field
* #29 80s Night (Yay! I love ANYTHING to do w/ the 1980s!)
* #28 Not having a TV (I'm not a TV junkie, but I'd never get rid of the TV!!)
* #27 Marathons
* #26 Manhattan - now Brooklyn too!
* #25 David Sedaris
* #24 Wine
* #23 Microbreweries
* #22 Having Two Last Names
* #21 Writers Workshops
* #20 Being an expert on YOUR culture
* #19 Traveling
* #18 Awareness (Awareness of what?)
* #17 Hating their Parents (I don't find HATE to be likeable)
* #16 Gifted Children (What's not to like, unless they're precocious brats?)
* #15 Yoga
* #14 Having Black Friends
* #13 Tea
* #12 Non-Profit Organizations
* #11 Asian Girls
* #10 Wes Anderson Movies (I know who he is, but I've never seen his movies)
* #9 Making you feel bad about not going outside
* #8 Barack Obama
* #7 Diversity
* #6 Organic Food
* #5 Farmer’s Markets
* #4 Assists (Assists in what? I don't get it.)
* #3 Film Festivals
* #2 Religions their parents don’t belong to
* #1 Coffee

quiz, meme, humour, sociology

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