Another wild weekend!

Apr 20, 2008 23:00

Well, OK, so it wasn't actually wild. But I found that title amusing. ;) My weekend was, however, very BUSY, but in a very good way! Below is a breakdown of the three days, so you can read them one at a time if you prefer.

FRIDAY: the $50 rat cage sale
On Friday morning, I finally sold my extra rat cage! It's the Coast Cages Bel Air Rat Mansion, only mine is pretty purple, and now they're only in black. I bought it at Petco before I got Blueberry & Jellybean and before I was sure where in my room it would fit! It turns out the cage wasn't a good fit for more reasons than just where it would go, but I couldn't return it because when I learned that my neighbors had a fancy Dremel, I hastily had them cut out the metal wheel in the cage. And obviously you can't return a cage if you've altered it. *chuckle* (I knew I'd be getting male rats, and males generally don't like using wheels once they grow up, and that was definitely the case with my boys! They only liked wheels when they were wee ones!)

So after posting the cage for sale over various months in ratties here on LJ and NC Rat Chat in Yahoo Groups, and after getting in touch with a few interested people only to have nothing pan out, I finally posted the cage on my local Craigslist, and I got FOUR eager responses in TWO days! :D One panned out quickly, and on Friday I met with the gal, Kate, and got $50 for the cage! I'd reduced the price due to the missing wheel and also just to motivate people, because I didn't want to keep the cage in the garage any longer. As it turns out, Kate has two girl rats, and normally girls love running in wheels, but hers don't! LOL! So she was glad the wheel was removed! She was also a very nice, kind, friendly person with whom I had more than just rat love in common! :D We also discovered that we'd both had similar frustrations/disappointments with our most recent boyfriends, we both like (and drive) Toyotas, both have trouble parking sometimes (haha), and both have an embarrassing and quite odd thing that we procrastinate on that I won't go into because it's really lame. *blush* I hope maybe we can become friends; you can never have too many friends! Plus you can generally tell (or at least I can) within about 10 minutes of chatting with someone in person, whether I'd like them for a friend or not. :)

FRIDAY: the great bingo game!
And now, without further ado, here are the pix from Friday night's Bingo Belles game! *CHEER* But please be sure to scroll down afterwards, because the rest of the weekend also has some stuff very worthy of reading! :D :) BTW, I was this month's bingo host.

As always, I took a photo of the pile of wrapped gifts, but then Ina came late and added her gift to the pile, right before someone won the first one! So I wanted to take a photo of the "appended" pile (LOL) and beckerbuns (Becky S.) was gracious enough to help me! ;D Note the FESTIVENESS of all the bags and boxes!

Coleen was excited to win this mini TV that Becky brought; everyone thought it was very cute! It looks like Becky S. is making a proclamation, but I've no idea what she was saying! LOL Speaking of Becky and funny things, about halfway thru the game, she started echoing Gladys (the electronic bingo caller) any time Gladys called a number that had 2 in it. For example, if Gladys called "O-72" then Becky would go "TWWWOOOOOO!" She did it in such a funny way that it cracked me up each and every time, which I'm sure the other gals thought was bonkers! *giggle*

My neighbor Lisa came late, because she, her husband and their two sons were at the boys' elementary school for... a BINGO NIGHT! *giggle* Afterwards, she brought her younger son, Daniel, here for a few games because he's always envious his older brother Vinny attends a game (only once or twice a year). So Lisa bright Daniel but he got sleepy quite quickly, and went home -- which was only next door! heh BTW, look how similar mother and son look! :) So cute!

These were the "Oreo Balls" that everyone found so amusing -- and yummy! Whether they have white or chocolate coating, the inside is the same: chocolate Oreo cookie!

One of the gifts was a Target card (as usual *grin*). And as usual, it kept getting stolen by people because Target rocks!!! As it was going around the table, I snapped this picture because I thought the moveable alligator mouth was funny. And then Jeri had the great idea of putting a chip in the alligator's mouth, to make it more realistic! :D YUM!!

Here we have Jeri, Coleen, beckerbuns, Daniel, Lisa, sjkat27 (Katheryn), Ina and Margaret. If it looks like our players are in their 20s, 30s and 40s, that is correct! :) We span three decades!

The same group, but with Scary Shari! heh I actually asked Daniel if it was OK if I gave him rabbit ears, and he giggled and said it was! Absent were Becky R., who had a cold, and Jenny, who was attending the reception following a funeral (I don't know whose). I'm sorry you both had less-than-pleasant reasons for missing bingo. We all missed YOU, and hope you both can join us next month! *hugs* OH! I almost forgot to say that I won 2 gifts this time! One was a necklace and earring set with a motif of pretty roses, and one was a $10 gift card to Cost Plus World Market. Nice wins, both! :)

SATURDAY: the sneezing fireman
Saturday morning, I was on my way to a 10:30 a.m. "orientation" at the chiropractic clinic (more on that in a minute) and pulled up at a traffic light next to a fire truck. As always, I checked out the firemen in it, and noticed the one in the front passenger seat looked kind of brawny and handsome and had a nice-looking moustache. ;) He looked like he might be too old for me, but I still appreciated his good lucks. Anyhoo, within a few moments of me checking him out, which he had not yet noticed, he gave a HUMUNGOUS SNEEZE! His window was open but mine was completed CLOSED, plus I had on the radio, yet I heard his sneeze extremely loudly! LOL LOL!!! Not only was it wildly loud, but he also flung himself forward in his seat as he snoze! I couldn't help myself -- I burst out laughing! ;D :) Then I was so embarrassed that I didn't even look back at him for a while. *blush* Finally I peeked, but I don't know if he knew I was laughing at him or not. It was just sooo funny, especially to someone like me who has always found sneezes amusing.

SATURDAY: at the back-crackers! (chiropractors, haha)
The chiropractic orientation wasn't all that enlightening, because I've been going to chiropractors for 7 or 8 years now. Most recently it was the amazingly awesome father-and-son practice my mom and I have gone to for many years, but they moved their practice elsewhere and sold the San Jose one to a pair of chiropractor sisters, one of whom the dad knew from when he taught at Palmer College West. I mainly went to it because I was curious what it would be like, and also because those of us attending an orientation (they had and have other dates) could get certificates to give our family and/or friends for free initial consultations, exams, and various x-rays and tests. Normally all of that would be aorund $200. Who wants one? :)

SATURDAY: the aggro yet funny dinner
That evening, we went to the home of F, my mom's California best friend, for dinner. (I always call her that, because my mom also has an Illinois best friend, Jackie, with whom she grew up). Anyhoo, we were the first to arrive for dinner, and discovered F in a great state of aggroness, because a plumber had been there more than TWO HOURS yet couldn't fix the fact that her kitchen sink was backing up. Even weirder is the fact that the entire sink and inside piping was brand new, as of just a month or two ago! She couldn't believe something went wrong! And apparently it was VERY wrong, because the plumber had to shut off all the water to the house, and even called a second plumber over! Unfortunately, neither of them spoke very good English, which further frustrated F, on top of the fact that it took them WAY too long to fix the problem, which eventually was fixed. I felt really bad for her, because she got so delayed, but I have to admit it was kind of amusing to hear her yelling at the plumber that she couldn't understand what he was saying! Fortunately her daughter helped translate. I'm sorry -- I'm not laughing at her misfortunate. Somehow it just seemed a bit amusing, but I did NOT let her know I thought that!

Then, when the other folks arrived (not that many) and the late food was all finished cooking/baking/whatever, and we were sitting down to eat -- couches suddenly arrived! LOL! Apparently F's daughter K's stepdaughter and husband were in town and decided this would be the perfect time to drop off two couches they no longer wanted but which F *did* want. (They live in Paso Robles). So then the dinner got delayed AGAIN, as F tried to direct them as they awkwardly maneuvered two bulky couches through the side yard and back yard and into the family room! Again, I apologize for finding this amusing, but I couldn't help it! *giggle* It was just such a crazy case of Murphy's Law! And it just seemed weird that suddenly COUCHES started marching into the house right when everyone wanted to eat!

SUNDAY: the wild & crazy dream!
Today involved grocery shopping, dropping off my old, broken D-Link wireless router at a one-day electronics recycling drop-off point (yay!) in a Wal-Mart parking lot (boo!), drinking a Java Chip Frappuccino and vacuuming and Swiffering the house. But the main thing I wanted to write about is the very long, vivid, crazy dream I remembered when I woke up this morning! I've always LOVED re-reading dreams I've had, months or years afterwards, so I made notes earlier today so I could remember enough to record it "for posterity" tonight. :)

Basically the dream was like a cross between Big Brother and summer camp, although I seem to feel there was a cruise element as well (?!) There were many people in the dream, but the only ones I remember recognizing were beckerbuns and her kids.

I think the Big Brother part was first. I was one of the houseguests. The downstairs of the house looked almost identical to the downstairs of my own house. I commented about that to this gal who seemed to be the most powerful among the female players (and also very pretty), and she made a comment about whether that might give me an advantage. I didn't see how that could be, and told her so. Also, in an attempt to get her to trust me, I offered to show her a secret room/passage in the house that no one else knew about. You had to go upstairs first, then down into a staircase that led to the secret room/passage. Of course, this part of it looked NOTHING like my house! I don't think we actually went IN the secret room/passage, but I feel like she and I had formed something of an "alliance" because I showed it to her.

I remember I had also been getting to know some of the other houseguests better, and I felt pretty good about my relationships and/or alliances with several of them. However, one of them felt kind of bad that I hadn't tried to form an alliance with him. He was someone who lived in my townhouse complex and thought that because we were semi-neighbors, that I should align with him. (He was not a neighbor in real life; I don't even recall what he looked like). In the dream, he didn't outright tell me he felt bad that I was kind of dissful of him, but I overheard it when I was somewhere that enabled me to spy on some of the other houseguests.

Shift to another part of the dream, where a bunch of people were living on a pleasant, wooded island. It totally reminded me of a summer camp place. I think some of the people from the Big Brother part of the dream may have been here; I'm not sure. Maybe my subconscious mind was now thinking more about Survivor instead of Big Brother; hence the outdoorsy setting. *chuckle* Although it really struck me more like a summer camp. Anyhoo, this is where I ran into beckerbuns. Her sons Ricky and Andrew were also there. I remember her daughter Misty was there too, but I don't think she had much of a part in the dream. (Sorry Misty!)

In one part of the dream, Andrew and I were in some type of "general store" type place at the camp. We each had a brown bag full of little tokens we had won and/or earned (I don't know how or where we got them). Each token was color and/or pattern coded to match with the particular prize it was good for. Some of the tokens, however, did not look like "typical" tokens but rather like small jawbreakers, except that they were squishy, like those soft foam balls people can use as stress-relievers. I had some of those tokens, and I was delighted that my purple-and-blue (or purple-and-green? not sure) tokens corresponded to a small prize that had the same colour scheme. Yep, I'm one of those peeps who usually dreams in VIVID colour! :)

I remembered one or two of the actual prizes I got this morning, but by now (the evening) I forgot. :( I think one may have been a little globe or a keychain, and one may have been a mini postcard (?) Andrew got some little action figure type toys, and also a small kite! Afterwards, he was playing with the action figures in something that looked like a huge porcelain bathtub (but fully clothed). While playing with them, he was telling me that he was very excited to fly his kite. (beckerbuns -- does Roo like kites in real life?) Anyhoo, then some boys from the camp came by and started teasing Andrew because he was playing with action figures and because he wanted to fly a kite instead of going with them to do something that was either playing a sport, or getting in trouble. I think the boys were slightly older. Andrew got wound up and upset from the teasing, and I think had some sort of temper tantrum. Then Becky came to take him somewhere, due to his outburst. I volunteered to watch after Ricky while Becky was off-site with Andrew. She gratefuly accepted, and Ricky was very happy about it as well.

That's all I remember about that part of the dream. In yet ANOTHER part, I myself had been off-site, but wanted to get back to the island. I was on a little wooden dock, and a guy with salt-and-pepper gray hair came up in a boat that was like a cross between a skiff with an outboard motor, and a canoe. He was in his 50s and was quite charming, and in the dream we knew each other. (I've no idea who he actually was). He told me that if I wanted a ride back to the island, I'd have to swim alongside his boat for part of the time. I thought that was ridiculous, especially since he had plenty of room for a second person! Also, I was fully dressed, and I didn't want to get my clothes soaked; in particular, I didn't want to swim with my blue jeans on, because they get VERY heavy when wet! He told me he'd swum in jeans before, and it was no big deal. And besides, he wouldn't let me into his boat unless I swam part of the way.

So I grudgingly gave him my purse to keep in the boat, and reminded him to keep it dry because it contained my cellphone and/or my digital camera. I also took off my earrings (LOL! What minute details!) and gave him the earrings, because I didn't want them to come out of my ears while swimming. Then I jumped in the water and started swimming. It was a pleasant temperature; not too warm and not too cold. As I swam, part of the time it almost felt like flying. This is hard to explain, but I remember looking down and seeing what looked like vineyards below me (?!) I don't know if the vineyards were under the water, or if I was in the air looking down on a winery or something! But I'm pretty sure I was still swimming too. Weird, huh? And I think that's all I remember of that dream! There was some aspect of it that involved some of the camp people being on a cruise ship, but I don't recall that part anymore.

rats, daily life, photos, dreams, big brother, chiropractic, humour, family, friends, food, bingo

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