Yesterday, today & tomorrow

Apr 16, 2008 19:58

To my fellow unfortunate Americans (haha), I hope you got your taxes done by the midnight, April 15 deadline! If not, well, you're SOL! heh Mine were e-filed by our accountant a month ago, but I waited until April 14 to mail my payments, as I was aggro about owing $470 in federal and $104 in state taxes. :( I didn't want the government to have my $$ any sooner than necessary! I've since filled out a new W-4 form at work, claiming "0" instead of "1" for my exemptions. My paychecks will now have even more withholdings, but at tax time next year, I'll have a NICE surprise of a refund, rather than a BAD surprise of owing money!

I saw two guys on Yahoo Messenger whom I have not seen online and/or chatted with in quite a while. I was happy to see them again and happy that they were still interested in chatting with me. ;D

I went to the Starbucks by my work and tried a Honey Frappuccino for the first time, because they were out of the chocolate/mocha chips needed for the Java Chip Frappuccino (my fave). I can't decide how I feel about the Honey Frapp. Partly I like it; partly it's just "eh!". I think it may be an acquired taste. Anyone tried it? If so, what did you think?

On this date in 1746 was the Battle of Culloden in Scotland. As a history buff in general, a lover of all things Scottish (well, and Irish too), and as a once-and-future poet, I wanted to share this poem that I wrote man years ago about this historic battle and its lamentable outcome. Click here to read it. *blush*

After this morning's chiropractor session, I went to SummerWinds Nursery to buy potting soil. My mom went yesterday to buy a 6-pack of Imperial Antique Shades pansies, but didn't know we were out of soil! Oops! Some pansies in this variety smell like ROSES, believe it or not! :) Along with Antique Shades, some of my other fave pansies are Jolly Joker (a crazy, festive combo of purple & orange!), Rally Lilac Cap (stunning purple & white, sometimes w/ yellow splashes -- check out my icon!) and Baby Bingo "Denim" (*giggle* Sounds like I made it up; I love alliteration AND bingo!)

Anyhoo, I bought a big bag o' soil.... AND a prayer plant! (Maranta leuconeura erythroneuro). The two types are shown on the link I just gave; mine looks like the top photo. I've been wanting a prayer plant ever since I bought one for beckerbuns' son Ricky when he was hospitalized last year for cystic fibrosis-related lung issues. (He loves plants and gardening!) Not only do they have beautiful leaves, but the leaves rise vertically and press together at night; it looks like they're praying! I've never seen a prayer plant flower before, but several at SummerWinds were sending up floral stalks, so I definitely couldn't resist buying one! :D We transplanted the pansies today, and found a nice spot in the kitchen for the prayer plant with good ambient light but no DIRECT sunlight, which they don't like.

Tomorrow (Thursday) a very close friend and former co-worker of my mom's, CH, is having a complete hysterectomy. That alone would be a reason for me to think good thoughts for her, but things aren't that simple. The reason for the surgery is because she has cancer of the uterus. :( Based on CH's biopsy and/or various tests, her doctors think it's Stage 2, but won't know for sure until they do surgery. It MIGHT only be Stage 1, which would be wonderful news! But hopefully it will not be anything more than 2!! I know no one reading this knows CH except for me, but if you're comfortable praying/thinking/sending good thoughts to someone you don't even know, please join me in doing so for CH. She has a beautiful, loving and compassionate heart and is an amazing person! :)

daily life, finances, gardening, poetry, starbucks, flowers, good thoughts, internet, friends, history, health, horticulture

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