"Autumn oak leaf & rain pearls"

Nov 26, 2007 22:08

My little sapling oaks have really started dropping leaves now (they take a long time to go bare), and I remembered that last November, after a rain, I took the photo below. I found it in my journal, and I like it so much that I decided to "re-run" it. *blush* The leaf is lying upside-down. It's from my Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana), whose leaves generally turn prettier colours in fall than my California white oak, a.k.a. Valley Oak (Quercus lobata). These two white oak species are closely related, as you can tell from examining their leaves.

BTW, this is a "smallened" version of the original, larger photo I took. And the term "rain pearls" is something I learned from my friend rodluvan. I really like how it sounds! :) Anyhoo, I hope you like my photo!

photos, trees

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