
Oct 19, 2006 22:17

In the past year or so, my language has been spiced up and dumbed down.  Ghetto-ized, but just barely.  I have to be a little careful when I'm using the "to be" verb.  I'm still pretty white bread, though, as I learned that O.G. meant "Original Gangsta" and not "Old Geezer" this week.  It's okay to laugh.

I met some O.G.s the other week.  That was pretty cool.

I am very very slowly learning Spanish.  I can only say/understand four sentences with relative competence:  "My llama's name is Mama", "This is a bilingual message", "Do you speak Spanish (you moron)?",  "Tortilla soup, please" plus various cusses, and crude names for women and friends.   I'm getting better and better at making people relax and understanding very broken English.  This is a little more useful to me.  Spanish classes start SOON.

Life is nice.  I spend less time in Portland and on my personal life than I would like, but I still have one, and that's what really matters.  Right?
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