Memento (Cedric/Cho, PG)

Dec 07, 2005 23:51


Author: scarypants
Fandom/Pairing: HP (Cedric/Cho)
Rated: PG, for hints of sexing
Wordcount: 764
Disclaimer: None of this is my property, alas.
A/N: This shortish fic is set during GoF and it's posted in my fic journal, scarypants. It is also unwontedly sappy (for me, anyway). crushw_eyeliner was my lovely beta, and this fic is dedicated to her for being my Cedric/Cho (not to mention Robert/Katie) fic enabler and for creating this community! As always, feedback is much appreciated

They are taking a break from dancing and sipping ice-cold pumpkin juice when he catches her looking at Harry, who is valiantly trying to dance with his partner--the prettier Patil twin, Cedric thinks to himself--and failing spectacularly. 'Why don't you ask him to dance?' he asks with raised eyebrows. Cho looks flustered and a little surprised. 'Wouldn't you mind?,' she asks, raising her own eyebrows. 'No,' he wants to say, 'of course not.' But she is looking at him with an amused expression and he knows that it is no use denying her question.

'I thought I was having the upper hand here,' he says ruefully instead, and Cho laughs.

'It doesn't mean anything,' she smiles at him--and Merlin help him, he believes her--and leads him back onto the dance floor.

Later that night, he bites her shoulder lest she forgets, and she scratches her nails down his back in answer.


He likes to think that he is generous, that he doesn't mind that Harry Potter has a crush on his girlfriend. In fact, he tells himself, he should be flattered; it is Harry sodding Potter after all. But it is precisely because he is Harry Sodding Potter that Cedric remains a little paranoid; a little more determined to win the Triwizard Tournament. Still, he wants to do so on his own merit, and he knows that Fleur and Krum probably know how to activate the golden egg thanks to Madame Maxime and Karkaroff.

This competition isn’t shaping up to be very fair at all, much to Cedric’s chagrin, so he does what he can to even out the field. Beside, he owes Potter one. So he tells Harry about the Prefect’s Bath, and hopes that he isn’t too dense to take the hint.


It is late at night and he and Cho are sitting alone by the Hufflepuff fireplace; everyone has eventually cleared off from the common room by now. The party celebrating the end of the second task had been suitably raucous, with dancing, butterbeer and music (Flitwick turning an indulgent blind eye; Cedric has always been his favourite) and everyone thumping him on the back and smiling at her--some of the girls a little maliciously so. She looks beautiful and a little out of place in the Hufflepuff common room, like an exotic bird amidst cooing doves, even without the other Hufflepuff girls in the room. He has been waiting to be alone with her all night.

Cho smiles at him slowly, the curving of her mouth graduating to the curving of her eyes, the first time she has smiled at him like that all evening.

'I didn't know you cared about me that much,' she says, her voice teasing.

'Shut up,' he retorts, and pulls her face to his in a painful kiss. He is feeling so much right now, at this moment--fear at the thought of actually losing her, blessed relief, love, desire--but he doesn't know how to say it, so he kisses her and hopes she understands.

Afterwards, when he is feeling sleepy and sated and holding her close, she blurts out, 'I would have chosen you too.'

He smiles and plays with a lock of her hair, twirling it around his fingers. 'I know.'

'It must be sad,' she goes on musing, 'if the choosing was one-sided. I wonder if Hermione Granger would've chosen Krum herself.'

'Aren't I lucky, then,' he says, knowing that he is being cocky but not caring this time. Sex always makes his tongue looser, the filter between his brain and mouth ceasing to function.

She grins at him. 'You are. But then so am I.'

He touches her face gently, her neck, her collarbone, slowly and inexorably. 'Don't forget me,' he says urgently, not knowing why he is saying this but feeling the sudden need to anyway. 'Even if we don't end up together and you marry someone else and have seven children that aren't mine. Don't forget me.'

'I'm not going to have seven children,’ she quips, and laughs wickedly at his expression.

'Don't be stupid, Ced. I'm not going to forget you.' Her smile turns rueful. 'In fact, I'll probably be comparing every other boy I date to you. Do you know how high that standard is, Diggory? You've spoiled me for all others.' He grins, relief written clearly all over his face and leans over to murmur in her ear, knowing full well what it does to her. 'Who says you're going to date other boys, hmm? You're mine, Chang.' And he kisses her lest she forgets it.

fic, cedric/cho

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