Jun 13, 2004 22:10
awesomely good times this weekend. friday yan angela nikki kevin and me went to moe's ate and hung out then went to chill at the mall for a bit, then we went to kevins house craziness insued and kevin ended his game before it started. then we went to waffle house ate and yan stole a cup without even noticing it. then i went back to yans house and spent the night and worked the next morning.
saturday we went to duluth to see this "local" band that turned out to be an 80s christian band (mad props yans mom) so we hung out at the local ice cream shop for a while and then drove home in hurricane like conditions. then i almost hit this guy and that was no good. so we finally got back to yans house and chilled for a while and his sister chilled with us... NOT GOOD TIMES. at first shes kinda funny but then she gets annoying. and she is so very jewish its amazing!
and today we went to see chronicles of riddick (dont see it it is very horrible.) and then hung at the fort for a bit and then went to angela's house and then brian's where we watched donnie darko but i had to leave early so i still havent seen the whole thing. well thats my weekend... holla