Stupid life, getting in the way when I'm trying to watch a Netflix show.
Well, it's Friday which means I can get back to it.
Clever show, using Trish's radio show to open the episode. Not only do Trish lovers get a fix but it's a good way to demonstrate that all of New York is aware of Luke and that a lot of them are judging him harshly. And it was obvious that his race was the driving force behind that judgement but without having anyone sit down and tell the camera.
Also, I love that Luke keeps wearing that hoodie. If there is a better way to demonstrate the shadow of racism that is part of the narrative, I don't know what is. Our attention isn't being drawn to the hoodie, there's no one commenting on it or camera shots lingering on it with dramatic music. It's simply a fact and is noticed by everyone watching. Most of us are aware of what it represents on a conscious level but there are plenty watching who have only picked up on in unconscously. For some of them it's because they don't analyze shows or are simply not very observant but, for others, it's going to make them hella uncomfortable and they won't be able to explain why. I'm sure they're all hanging out over at the cesspool that is Tumblr talking about how uncomfortable they feel.
I legit didn't expect Cotton to get arrested halfway in. This either means Diamondback is poised to appear or that the corruption that has allowed him to flourish is about to get kicked into high gear. Either way, I don't expect him to stay in jail for long. Of course, if he does, I will start demanding a scene with Fisk. That would be solid gold.
I love Claire's Mom setting her up with Luke. I'm sure they'll limit it to flirting or a short lived hookup as I think Marvel fully intends to reunite him with Jessica in The Defenders. For now, though, a casual flirtation or hookup could be the foundation of a solid friendship. I also enjoyed Bobby flirting with Claire at the restaurant. He managed to seem sweet instead of skeezy so nicely played.
Sorry Scarf (I know that's not how it's spelled), it's your time. You pushed Cotton too far and now you're dead. Smart to seek out Luke for help but then your pride kicked in and you refused a hospital. OF COURSE you were going to die at that point. Claire says you need surgery, you need surgery. Good rule for Netflix characters: Listen To Claire. It'll save your life.
I really like the Captain and I will have the sads if she ends up working for Diamondback or something.
Alfre Woodard is a god among mortals. Her expressions in that interview were basically an acting class for the talentless. Subtly shifting from enthusiastic and in control to murderous and flailing with only fractions of facial movements. Then she completely lost control when they got news of Cotton's arrest and the confrontation at her brownstone and yet she remained fairly composed on the surface. Only her vocal inflections gave her away. I love this woman.