here's my "the only good thing about the otome manga, aka hot evil himes ftw!" picspam.
i have no idea what this pic is about. but the robots, the eye patch and slutty clothes.. it's just LOL
evil mai looks so fucking cool and hot. evil mai ftw!
lol random shizuro/natsuki. again, no idea what's it about.
evil Kagutsuchi and destroying the world! eeehh!
lol cop Haruka and Yukino. again the slutty clothes rule.
eeeehhhh! evil slutty natsuki! and Duran! *squees*
my ovaries just exploded. XD
lame. lame. lame.
*mental orgasms!* who cares about the lame good guys? (click for bigger version)
lol evil-Yukino is gayer than Shizuro, and evil-Haruka is her bitch.
lol normal Haruka freaking out when seeing that.
lol oh Shiho, you amuse me so. *is the only person in the world to like her*
i dunno what's more crazy, Nao calling Natsuki sister or Natsuki wanting to transform lame-natsuki and nao into her slaves.
Shizuro is sad she doesn't have a evil self. (lame Hime manga i hate you so much).
lol the version she imagines kills me, with the "natsuki love" banner.
Midori-chan!! with slutty clothes of course. lol.
my god i gotta stop doing this things. the end.