Writer's Block: 9/11

Sep 11, 2011 17:33

didn't really think it was terrorism until 3rd period (Earth Science for me--we were studying topographic maps) when they announced the second tower had been hit.
At that point they announced that they opened up one of the largest class rooms and said anyone in study hall/lunch was allowed to go up and watch the news coverage. Mind you, most of the teachers let us watch the new in class. The only ones who didn't was my math teacher and gym teacher, who wanted to give us a respite from the coverage.

Just got back from performing in a 9/11 memorial concert. We performed Mozart's Requem as a part of a Rolling Requem (60 chiors across the US performing Mozart's Requem, starting in New Hampshire and ending in Hawaii). It was...a very beautiful concert. We had an essay contest; the winner and 2nd runner up read their essays before the singing and several first responders came to the concert (processed in) and were given a standing ovation by the (large) crowed. 

writer's block

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