55 Degrees North
Friday 8:30pm ABC
People who miss episodes of The Bill that actually involved police work will enjoy this. It’s British, there are cops...what’s not to like? DS Nicky Cole (Don Gilet) has transferred up to Newcastle from London for a fresh start. Interesting, realistic cop work, easy to approach characters and the promise of sparks if not actual romance between Nicky and lawyer Claire Maxwell (Ballykissangel’s Dervla Kirwan). Not quite an intriguing enough replacement for Silent Witness, but enjoyable enough.
The Bill
Saturday 9:10pm ABC
If you are someone who missed your Saturday night fix of The Bill whilst Hustle was on, it comes back this week with one of those ‘retrospective’ episodes that always bug the hell out of me, but this week we’re treated to a potted history of Reg & Des. Next week we get Kerry and then after that we return to weekly instalments. For the record...I miss Hustle already.
Arrested Development
Tuesday 11:20pm Seven
Hurrah! Picking up where they left off last time - partway through the first season - Seven are at LAST airing Arrested Development again. This week, one of my favourite episodes, guest starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus as the blind attorney who is prosecuting bent businessman George Bluth. Seriously funny stuff.
Wednesday 10:30pm FOX8
Joss Whedon’s ‘vision of the future’ TV series. A bunch of 9 characters float around the frontiers of space eking out a living whilst avoiding the law. Sadly cut short by the network because they didn’t know how to market it, a movie based on the series (“Serenity”) opens this week, so pick up on the TV show before you hit your local multiplex, then drop me a line to thank me.