Sep 16, 2004 18:50
It´s strange how quickly we can adapt sometimes. Sometimes I think I´m too good at it. Good at it to a fault. I was reading Eliza´s xanga and she mentioned how she wasn´t that excited to talk to me. She didn´t care either way. I know I have an entry in here mentioning how happy i was to talk to her, and I was but...I don´t know. In the same sense, it was just kind of like,"well, um, hi." I´m wondering how it´ll be when I go back home. If i´ll want to go back home, that is. I do my best to keep in touch with my friends but I can´t stop myself from getting sucked into this new environment, this new world. And most of the time, I don´t want to. Part of me knows that when I go back home, most things will return to normal. I´ll reunite with some great people and have just as much fun as before. I wonder how things will turn out with Eliza, though. We really are very similar in some ways and I think it is going to be a bit strange and maybe difficult when I return. She still is so dear to my heart, don´t ever doubt that.
So, whoever is reading this, thanks for taking the time. I´m sure you are very dear to me too, and I look forward to talking to you soon. Now it´s back to the mountain...