Should Be In the NY Times

Mar 29, 2009 22:24

I recently read "Dear AIG: I Quit!" in the NY Times, which was a letter written up by former AIG-FP exec Jim DeSantis about how horribly wronged he and all the other AIG-FP execs have been by the media and the government over their bonus pay.

And, I gotta say, it was pretty damn hard to feel sorry for him.  There was one single point he made (regarding alternate job offers) that I could see as being reason to be pissed.  The rest of it?  He can fuck himself.

But really, Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone told him in far, far better and more knowledgeable terms than I, and it can (and should be) read here:

(Found it via, along with this awesome pic:)

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