(no subject)

Apr 02, 2007 15:26

A lot has happened since I last posted on here. Some good, and some not so good! It seems like a life time ago.

Well my Amsterdam trip with the ladies was fantastic. The Ferry was better than expected, although the rooms weren't big enough for me alone, never mind another person. Had all of about two hours sleep the whole time we were there, and spent most of the time wasted! Naturally we visited the sex museum and the red light district, although I was a little disappointed to say the least!

Blackpool is already booked for May. Just need to pay the rest of the money to Nat. Really excited about Blackpool because I've never been before, although I had heard mixed reviews about the pub and club scene. Hopefully Nat will have an 18th to remember!

On the 13th of this month I'm doing a Bungee Jump at the Rufford Arms to raise money for John Eastwood Hospice - so to all of you that said you'd sponsor me, get your pennies at the ready.

Went to Notts Arena last Monday to see My Chemical Romance with Phil. I thought it might have been a little weird but I enjoyed it, and I'm glad I asked him to come because it reminded me of all our good times we had together, however...

I'm still single - and loving it can I just say! Out every weekend with the ladies, and being able to eye up any man I wish : D
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