(no subject)

Sep 12, 2014 14:08

Soooooooooooooooooo, hey you guys! ;D

I've received a few reach-outs through LJ asking me how I've been and if I still exist anywhere on the Internet. Since it's been over 2 years since I updated anything on here I thought I could pop on and let anyone out there curious what is going on with me.

1. I'm turning 30 this year and it's my golden birthday* so I need to think of something cool to do pretty soon. Did I just make any of you feel super old reading that? haha

2. On a semi-whim I packed my life in 2 boxes and moved myself and my two cats across the country.  I've been living in Portland for about a month now and I love it!  I can't believe I did it and I am so excited that I did it. I had lived in Georgia my entire life until last month so it's been really fun having everything be new and just explore.

3. I don't have a huge presence on the Internet really. I tried blogging on another platform for a bit but I lost momentum in that a couple years back.  Really the only spot I'm actively on is Instagram because, of course I am.  It's just imagery and not a lot of words...that's kinda my thing. ;D
If you would like to follow me you can find me under: maryrebecca  
Even if you don't use IG you can still see my feed by going to: http://instagram.com/maryrebecca

Most recent photo of me as of 9 days ago. [still can't make normal faces]

I'm still kinda rubish at just talking about myself on here, so if you have any questions in particular I'll try to answer them in the comments.
I'd also love to hear what you guys are up to...you know the ones that will actuallyl see this. [if any]

<3 <3

*Golden Birthday- the age you're turning is the same as your birthdate. 12/30 + 30= GB
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