Wednesday! Alejandro and I went to pick up our badges! I was very grumpy because I had picked out some thing cute to wear so as to make a good first impression on any ppl I might see again, but when I went to change out of my work clothes, found that I had only remembered to bring accessories. I had shoes, a garter belt, stockings, clean panties, and jewelry, but no shirt or skirt. So I had to wear my dingey work clothes. But as I mentioned,
I was quickly cheered up. We peaked around the exhibit hall, we went home to bed early.
Thursday! I got to bask in the glory of Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, and their epic femslashy love for one another* on the "Wonder Women: Female Power Icons in Pop Culture" panel.
SEE SEE SEE!! Look at Zoe basking in Sigourney's sexy awesomeness. That is closed-eyed basking in the first degree.
But I wasn't just shallowly there for the femslash. The panel was amazing and the moderator has my stamp of approval, he did a great job. Every time Sigourney Weaver spoke, my toes curled with glee. If anyone wants to see some of the actual content of this panel, let me know. I have a video of semi-respectable length that I could upload, if you don't mind my shaky!camera.
Name card fail! Bodyswap! Zoe Saldana is in Elizabeth Mitchell's body and vice versa! Also, Eliza Dushku is wearing an invisibility cloak!
Alejandro and I pre-registered for 2010. I went to a panel called "Science Fiction That Will Change Your Life," which featured several io9 people who raged about the Sci-Fi network changing its name to SyFy. It was amusing.
Friday! They were pimping this muchly:
It's a good thing it was Ian McKellan's giant eyeballs staring at me from every other wall. If it had been anyone else, I probably would have felt the need to hide my shameful behavior or something.
I went to a couple panels, one about the Masquerade which I quickly realized was for people who are way more hardcore about the masquerade than I am. Then I wandered about the exhibit hall floor taking pictures. This would be when I saw Leonard Nimoy.
I wasn't looking for him or anything, I just turned my head to the right and HE WAS RIGHT THERE. I must have made a face of shock and awe or something, because he smile/laughed at me. And I was all *click* with my camera and then ran away to squee in the corner and wait in line for the foam Vulcan salute fingers that Paramount was giving away.
This was the line, but it was mostly people who were hoping to get tribbles. Anyways, tucked off in this safe little corner, I sent Jennifer the following text message: "OMG I JUST SAW LEONARD NIMOY & HE SMILED AT MEEEEE! IDEK HOW I'M TEXTING RIGHT NOW, MY HANDS ARE SHAKING." She responded with appropriate awe and jealousy. And then Ludacris walked right past me. He smelled good. I 'bout collapsed. I got my foam fingers, and soon thereafter it was time for the slasher's dinner! The food was delicious and the company was lovely.
I had hoped to go to the
Comic Strip burlesque show that night as well, but suddenly I looked at my phone and it was ten to midnight. Talking about buttsex makes me lose all sense of time.
Saturday! Big fancy dress-up day for me!
Taken in the morning before I left, in the harsh alien terrain of my backyard. We laced me in a little tighter before I left, though. I didn't think it was that much, but when I stopped by my work to show off my hotness, everyone was flabbergasted and kept saying how skinny I looked. :\
Boobies and comm badge close-up.
These BAMF were relevant to my interests.
As was this gorgeous girl. She wins at life and cosplay for having sparkly scales and a dinglehopper to comb her hair.
Then it was time to meet up with these GQMFs:
For the purpose of seeing this GQMF:
As you can see, the fangirls were on the edges of their seats. Not that anyone could blame us, he kept giving unnecessarily sexy answers to questions. Although other than that, this panel was pretty awful due to some fangirl-FAIL.
Also attending this panel was this gorgeous badass:
And this gorgeous badass:
Also on Saturday, had lunch w/
grimmus @ Seaport Village down the road from the convention center. There were lots of normal people there who could not understand my badass outfit. Tried to get into Mythbusters and failed utterly, considered going to the Masquerade party, but determined that I was far too exhausted.
Sunday! Supernatural panel, OMFG!
Unfortunately, my camera would NOT BEHAVE no matter how I adjusted it. I have a bunch of dark, blurry, pictures. But here, it is obvious that whatever Kripke is saying is making Misha weep. Kripke has this effect on people. Everyone else has posted actual videos of this panel, and I took off when they started Q&A, as per my phobia, so I won't make you read a silly summary.
Immediately afterward, it was picture time with the aforementioned GQMFs from
No one on the corner has swagger like us.
After that I wandered about shopping and basking in the last day. Alejandro stayed home that day, so I didn't have to worry about entertaining him. I checked on the pre-reg 2010 area just for fun, and behold:
Good thing Alejandro and I took care of that first thing, when there was no line at all.
I ran into my boss and said howdy, and then I went to check outhow full Ballroom 20 was for the closing event. Torchwood was still happening in there and I got in!
John Barrowman is a beautiful person. I have finally realized why I am so drawn to him: he somehow restores me to the bubbling optimism I had when I was 15. I can't for the life of me articulate the why or how of this. It's just... like, I saw him and he was amazing, and I was struck with the sudden urge to listen to
Affirmation by Savage Garden. The effect doesn't last once I'm no longer in his presence, though.
And then it was Buffy time! Mind you, I've never lasted long enough on Sunday to attend this particular event. But Marcella warned me that there would be dancing. And I knew that this was the episode that finally made even me understand the Spike/James Marsters thing. (It's when he throws himself down on the coffin all spread-eagley and sings his angry song of sexual and emotional frusteration! It just gets to me!) So yeah.
There was cell phone-swaying at all the soulful parts. Except the people who had lightsabers swayed their lightsabers. It was awesome. But I discovered that I shouldn't listen to "Going Through the Motions" when Con is ending. It too perfectly articulates my post-con blues, which have hit me nice and hard this time around. I'm blaming this episode.
Last pic:
Epic swag. These are the aforementioned Vulcan salute foam fingers. And yes, that is misogynistic bondage porn in the corner there. Shutup, I don't say anything about your kinks! Also, there is a Stark Expo shirt. And dude, it's a totally nice shirt. American Apparel! Props to you, Tony Stark, for supporting American manufacturing. XD
And that's that! I'm already day-dreaming about next year. *sigh*
*Since the interwebs have
FAILED ME UTTERLY in this department, I am forced to simply play the
music video for Beautiful Mess over and over again in my head, with Sigourney Weaver as the neglected mob bimbo whose brilliance has been trapped in what she thought would be an exciting life, and Zoe Saldana as the pilot/hangar owner who is all awed by Sigourney Weaver's regal hotness and who spills her coffee while having illicit fantasies about screwing her in an airplane. And then they just waltz on out of there with the mobs' money and run away together in a sexy, sexy car. (Not the one in the video, though. Something classic and not in red. Red cars have never really grown on me.)