Well, I gave in to the allure of
Lupercalia, like I do every year. When the chips are down, I'm just a big sappy idiot at heart. It was Love's Philosophy that did me in. It sort of vaguely resembles Monsterbait: Underpants if you squint. Regardless, I would like to blame
xtinethepirate for this. She will know why soon. Also I got a six pack of imps, cuz ya know, might as well. While I'm ordering.
Abbie has been to the doctor and she now weighs 7 lbs, 3 oz, huzzah! Also, Oro and Fedora (other niece and big sister, if you recall) just got in today to meet her! (I was going to post the video, but the computer is not cooperating.) We saved all their Christmas presents and a few of ours and kept the tree up and had a second little Christmas tonight with them. It was fun. Plus, I got
this necklace. V. appropriate for a Spn fangirl, oui?
mere_buff_4 has a blog here now! She's an amazing girl. *snuggles her*
I've been awful about commenting lately. Imma try to be better about that.
We had another poster dump at work. When I have the money to send them places, I'll post a list of what I grabbed and see if anyone here wants one. :)
MamaGoddess bought me
these shoes because... I don't know why. She's awesome, perhaps?
I'm all registered for Comicon!
Tomorrow I shall bake a pie.
Right now I shall go to bed.