FLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIST. I have returned from TEH COMICON, where I saw ERIC KRIPKE and SERA GAMBLE and JENSEN ACKLES (Jared was not there, and the whole room went 'Aaaaaaawwww...') and BEN EDLUND, who is the most adorable pale skinny geek pirate ever. The whole was fucking awesome, which is actually not what I expected. I know you are all gasping in shock, and ready to disown me, but here's how it is. I'm from the old skool hardcore days when you just didn't talk about fandom. I've always been very hush-hush about my fangirlishness, and cons and panels and such make me squirmy and embarrassed. Don't ask me to explain this, it's just some deeply ingrained shame that I have to deal with.
But anyways, this defied my expectations, and was awesome. The line outside was crazy because there were people left over from the Family Guy thing, still waiting in line. And there were people waiting in line without having any idea what the line was for. So I wandered around trying to figure out where I was supposed to go, when a pair of very hot chicas walked by, one of them wearing a Metallicar shirt. I latched on and followed them. They turned out to be
caithream and
logicandchaos, yey for meeting new people!!
And then there were some videos, one of which had some very cool Desperado-ish music, and one of which was a making of for AHBL, which I enjoyed thoroughly. I got to sit close to the front, WHICH NEVER HAPPENS TO ME YA'LL, but I didn't gawk at all the pretty because the pretty all had very interesting things to say, and it's easier to listen when you are not gawking. Also, I really can't look at Jensen Ackles without seeing this icon, and giggling like a dork. I left when they started Q&A because Q&A makes me very stressed. I'm always worried that someone is going to say something horrifically embarrassing, and then I, by virtue of hearing them say it, will be forever associated with TEH CRAZEE. I'm just neurotic like that. So I took off.
I was supposed to meet up with
loveisimmortal, but that didn't actually happen (see below). I saw her from a distance and waved and hollered, but alas, no quality time.
I went to Horton Plaza to get food, because I hadn't eaten since I gave blood that morning. (P.S. The goodie bag they give you for giving blood at Comicon is pretty cool. My brother now has an awesome Picard action figure. He came with a flute and everything.)
After a slice of the most delicious pizza in all creation, I met up with
grimmus and he was his usual badass self. He was squeeful because he got several of his comics and graphic novels signed. Whenever I hang out with him, he just ends up following me around while I faff about and spend money. Comicon is no exception, I guess. But my own failboat aside, he is very good company for several reasons, not the least of which is that he is very gentlemanly.
And now I am home, eating butter fudge, loving my new shoes, and vaguely stressing about the fact that I am not even half packed to go to Thailand tomorrow. I'll try to post tomorrow before we leave. :)