Ya kinda had to be there, but
here's a standard conversation between myself and Alejandro.
Alejandro: Are you a native?
Me: Of what?
Alejandro: MmmmmmmmMatacuvia.
Me: Well, I don’t know where that is, so probably not.
Alejandro: But maybe you were ripped from the arms of your Matacuvian parents as a baby.
Me: It’s possible.
Alejandro: And now you spend your days searching for your long lost family.
Me: I like my parents here just fine.
Alejandro: But your Matacuvian parents give you money. For free.
Me: So do these parents.
Alejandro: Yes, but they give you more! In rubies and diamonds!
Me: Well, number one, I prefer pearls, and number two, I don’t think the religious climate in Matacuvia would welcome me. And then my Matacuvian parents would angst about how I was unruly and didn’t fit in.
Alejandro: Matacuvia is the most tolerant nation on the planet.
Me: Well -
Alejandro: They hate everyone, but they tolerate them.
Me: Well, when the object of your hatred is all of humanity, you don’t have much choice but to tolerate them. What are you going to do, eradicate everyone?
Alejandro: At one time, they tried to eradicate all of the other people they hated. But it didn’t work, so they figured, whatever, we’ve got to tolerate them.
Me: If they tried to kill everyone, then I don’t want to live there.
Alejandro: They didn’t try to kill them, they tried to eradicate them. By building a giant spaceship. Long ago they sent several thousand people into space. And those people are now called Spacies. Kevin Spacey. Sissy Spacek. ...No, wait.