
Sep 04, 2008 04:12

So a few updates. All of which are all happy updates.

First, I now have a girlfriend. I haven't quite introduced her to my LJ F-List, for shame. Anyways... her name is Cristina. She's 20 years old, uber gorgeous and we have a lot in common. Yes, she was the girl I made out with in the alleyway. Click the links to see us.

I've been getting back into art and animation again! I animated a promotional ad for our humble little Queer Space at RMIT (see below), and a political party may be hiring me to design their campaign posters. I back these guys, since the other party wants Sajeed as the SU President. Why am I against that? He believes "Women have too many rights" and that the Womyn's Departments and the Queer Department are not important, therefore all funding should be severed from these groups. How do I know he's an unfit president? He was the Activities leader and did nothing. I actually looked for things he has done since January 2008, and nothing appeared in Catalyst or in the Fly archives with his name on it. And many of the Islamic women think he's a douchebag and refuse to vote for him.

Anyway, here's the animation.

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