Title: Gloves
schwarzbrillePrompt(s): Day Fourteen - “a lost woolen glove”
Rating: G
Word Count: 1691
Feedback: Fill my inbox with it, be it good, bad, or neutral!
Remus had been averse to rummage through Sirius’ dirty clothes, whether it was the ‘smells-clean’ pile or not. )
Comments 30
and i love how remus says that the left and right are on the wrong hands and then sirius tells him its his intinials
*cries like a little girl*
And thank you so much for your kind compliments. I agonize over word choice a lot - there's so many varying connotations that sometimes I get a bit swamped in it. This piece was relatively free of mental-thesaurus-swamp, and I'm thrilled that it worked in that regard as well as others. ^_^ Thank you so much.
I'm glad you liked this, and thanks so much for your comment. ♥
Yes, I actually had tears on my cheeks when Remus explained the importance of the gloves. Sirius’s surprise gift first seemed a bit too incredible, but your explanation - or his explanation, in wonderfully incomplete, sleepy phrases - made it just as realistic as possible in the magical world. You describe everything, including the characters’ non-verbal expressions, in wonderfully vivid detail.
Very few fics manage to make me teary, but I must admit that poverty is my obsession in fiction. And you almost make me wish I had made my Remus poor as a child and teenager, too.
Yes, now that I think about, the climax of the fic perhaps stood out so wonderfully because of the vague sleep-talk - its contrast to the earlier detailed descriptions. You leave it for your reader to imagine the details of the knitting. Instead, you offer to us a beautiful detailed image of the boys cuddling - for a reason beyond sexual attraction, unlike in so many R/S fics. I adore every movement and every line of dialogue in the closing scene. However, I can’t help wondering a bit about the perspective. Do you shift to Sirius’s pov only for a few lines (to mention Remus's scarlet cheeks and the acceptance in his touch)?
Thank you again for your genuine analysis and thoughts on the piece. :D I love it - really, I do.
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