So yeah, it's been a little while since I've written in this stupid thing. Nobody ever really seems to do it anymore.
It's December 23rd, 1 day and 4 hours until Christmas. This year has gone by really fast, it's fucking nuts. It's hard to believe that it's already almost a new year. So much shit has changed this past year, most for the good, some not so good. I'm not really gonna elaborate on that, so tough crap. This past semester went by so quickly.. which I'm not really complaining about.. but it seems like I just started it yesterday. The only thing I care about, though, is that I got good grades. I got an A, two A-, Two B+, and a C+. I'm not complaining! Did good for my GPA, which still isn't awesome because of the class I failed the first semester. It's a 3.0, which is good enough for me. I didn't think I did that well, but I did.
On a different note, I finally got the layout for the Rebel Angel website done!! I've been farting around with it for a few months now, and didn't get anything done. I tried for so long to learn HTML, XHTML, and CSS, and Flash 8 Pro, Dreamweaver 8 Pro, and Fireworks 8. I couldn't seem to grasp onto how all that shit worked, and just gave up. Then, a couple weeks back, Jen told Cait that we (Rebel Angel) was looking for a good logo. About 10 seconds after that, Cait sent Jen a picture of something she came up with at that second, and drew up... it was perfect. So that got my creative juices flowing again, and less than a week ago, I sat down, and started coming up with the site. Overnight, I taught myself what I needed to with Dreamweaver and Flash, and all that shit, and used Paint Shop Pro to come up with all the backgrounds, and buttons, and other shit I needed for the site. I used the logo Cait drew up for a background, and a logo at the top of the page. I also tried to incorporate it into the buttons, but it's blurry. I'll fix that sometime in the future when I get to know more about Flash. The only thing that's left to do with the site is to write up all the content for it, which both Trevor and I are going to work on over the next few weeks, and hopefully by sometime early next year, we'll have a fully functioning site. When we get the money, we're gonna do a geocities pro thing, and have our own kind of thing, which is the only thing available that isn't like... or something. So if you want to check out the site, go to . Tell me what you think by emailing me .. or something. Next, I'm going to redesign our myspace, and use a lot of the same things from the website on it.
When I graduate in May, I've been offered a full-time job at b&d, which is sweet. At least I won't have to look for work for a couple months after I graduate, I'll immediately have a full-time job! I am not sure how long I will stay with them, it all depends on whether or not I want to stay around this area, which I do want to for a few years. Hopefully, within the next couple years, Jen and I can buy a house. I want to stay in an apartment for as little time as possible, cause no matter how much money you put in, it'll never really be 'yours.'
Anywho, I'm bored, so I'm gonna go find something to do.
Happy Christmas and Merry Holidays...