Just now:
Me: "Did you just kiss your phone?"
Jeffrey: "Well, this hand was doing this [typing on his laptop] and this hand was doing this [holding the iPhone by the edges], so I kissed it to open the program."
Me: "I love you."
In other news, last night I had drinks and dessert at
Cafe di Sol with Ali and
Aviva and then we walked a block home to their apartment, all kind of drunk. Ali stepped into a crosswalk because the law says she can do that--pedestrians have right of way in crosswalks and cars must stop for them. It doesn't really work that way very often, so I usually stay in the curb and don't provoke cars unless I'm feeling really ornery. A white Altima had to stop quickly for Ali and they had a bit of a raised-voice altercation in the light-hearted way Ali has about her. It ended with the dude driving off and yelling, "Those jeans don't make your ass look fat!" and I yelled, "Your ass looks fat, and we really don't know what he or I meant by any of that. This morning, I was looking at Craigslist Missed Connections because that's a good thing to do when it's Sunday and you're lazy. I probably haven't checked it in three months or so. But I saw this posting, titled, "Girl in crosswalk who stopped me near Buddy's--North Ave." It was posted t 10:42 p.m., right about the time Ali, Aviva and I were settling in to watch ridiculous DVDs at their place. It reads:
To the girl who stopped me and told me I needed to slow down, I want to talk about what I said to you. Seriously, I thought maybe it was a car jacking. We should probably talk it over sometime real soon. I'm not going to apologize, just clarify. That was pretty damn ballsy and I want to see what's behind that attitude.
We're not yet sure if we should do ridiculous fake replies or ignore the guy and laugh amongst ourselves.
And finally, do any of you children of the '70s or '80s remember
Duso the Dolphin? (That's one horrible link, but it was actually the best description of him that I could find. And I attended public, secular schools, so Duso isn't all Xian right, or anything.) I completely forgot about him until i was wasting more time tonight and saw a blogger post about him. I think he was a first grade thing. And I loved him.
Edit: It's so weird how I was simultaneously lazy and unlazy today. I did 90 minutes of yoga and a half hour workout, and in between, I internetted and took a three hour nap.