Feb 15, 2010 01:43
So i've decided about the whole transfer thing that since i'm changing my job location which going to throw me through the loop anyway y not change some other things that need it. So starting tomorrow or i guess today since it's like 130 in the morning i'm going to work in stockbridge. I packed my lunch a minute ago hopefuly i'll remember to grab it on the way out the door. I'm carpooling with michael for the first three days because our shifts matched up which has it's benefits. Don't have to drive by myself all that way just yet. I'm going to try and quit smoking starting tomorrow as well.
As a side note i'm hoping this whole new system josh helped us come up with for the house works out. Splitting up and assigning the chores and having a tin for grocery money every week. i've been helping out cleaning although we still need a dustpan to go with our broom and a mop to do the kitchen floor i think it'll work out. All i know is i've got a good start and i'm being optimistic for a change and hoping it'll work out. And as soon as i go to the doctor and get on some happy pills i'll be even more optimistic hopefully lol