Feb 08, 2005 14:35
I don't know if any of you know but since i'm 18 I applied on adoptaplatoon.com and I got a soilder for a pen pal. I thought it would be cool to show a little patriotism and support the troops. It's supposed to boost moral so like when mail call comes nobody is left out. I can't really tell you that much about him so I'll be kinda vauge you know protecting privacy and all. It's cool though he's not much older than me and gues what his first name is josh! Like I need another josh! lol Not that it's a bad name it's just I know to damn many of them. It's getting confusing. I like have to add adjective with there name so when I talk about them people know who the freaky I'm talking about. I mean ok lemme think about how many I know :
Josh- my first cousin
Josh- my second cousin
Josh- my ex nextdoor neighbor
Josh- I went to high school with
Josh- gay josh down the street
And now Josh- I write to as a pen pal!
I mean good grief people I'm getting confused lol!
Oh well, they said not to wait for a return letter cause they get transfured so much and don't really have time to write back and to keep sending stuff but I hope to hear from him. Me and mom are going to send a package to him with my first letter. You wouldn't believe the stuff they ask for, nothing major actually quite the opposite. They want like granola bars and seasoning. Pillows and Blankets. For gosh sake the boy had socks on his wish list! Poor guy... I'm still mad at my mom over the whole curits deal. I miss talking to him. We only went on one real date but we talked on the phone for hours and hours. We just had that much in common. Which if you know me my normal phone conversation lasts less then ten to twenty minutes, at most. Which for a girl isn't that much.
In other news my kitty cat seems to be settleing in. She acts like all the cats rolled into one (even grayboy) );
She purrs and does this little back and forth thing with her paws like calie does.
She acts like she owns the place and chases her tail like armstrong.
and last but never ever least she reacts to food like grayboy. );
I don't think my mom's really over loosing grayboy he was one of the last big ties we had to dad. I miss him, but I don't think it's really hit me. It's the whole deal about how he just disappeared I don't know. I've come to give my aversion to loss as "shock syndrom" when ever I'm hit with something I just kinda act like it didn't happen and move on with what I need to do until everything slows down and I can have my break down in peace. I mean for gosh sakes ya'll know how much I loved my dad but damn it when my grandparents told me he'd died I went in the damn bathroom and fucking BRUSHED MY HAIR! I know I was little but I never really forgave my self for that. Anyways... damn depression