
Jan 28, 2005 21:23

Right now my impression of my mother could not go any lower. I knew she was a bitch. I knew she was psycho. I even knew that she was lazy, but I never thought she was a racist. I knew eventually that I'd half to tell her what curtis was so I told her the other day. and I spent the rest of the day crying cause she went off on me. She was a total bitch about it. I have no false impressions about loving curtis. I havn't known him long enough. That's not mean just fact. But, for her to hate someone so totaly without even knowing them or even wanting to know them. I don't understand it. I judge people by their actions. I always try to give people a chance before I say something final. But all I said to that bitch was the word "black" and she didn't have anything to say that wasn't negative. She knew all the positive stuff about him but no that didn't seem to matter anymore.
We didn't talk for like a few hours cause once she started screamin and shit I kinda shut up and tried to wait it out. When we got back to the house I went up to my room and called odd after I had a bit of a crying fit. I was still sniffley when I called her. Anyway I came down stairs very quietly cause I didn't not want to listen to anymore of her shit. I went in the office so I could have something to do then concentrate on how much of a bitch she was. She was talking to my sister on the phone in her room loud enough that I could hear her in the office. Amy was tring to stand up for me saying I was eighteen and could make my own descisons. "not and live under my roof." "if she doesn't stop seeing him she won't have a car, a cell phone, or a place to live." so in other words I have no choice cause I have no where else to go. Then amy tried to stick up for me again and said something about how much we had in common and how much I liked him, to that the bitch said, "she'd probly like anyone that gave her the attention." now I'm sorry I havn't gone off on anyone side hemroid lived next door, but I wanted to hit her and I don't mean lightly. I walked to her door way to see what she'd do when she found out I'd heard her ass. She looked at me and started laughing. LAUGHING!!
"I didn't know you were standing there," now I'm sorry I may be a little shit to my mom sometimes but I've never actually wanted to him her more then at that moment. "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT...BITCH" I yelled that at her and she frooze and started walking very slowly throught the living room in a "I dare you to come out here and fight me bitch" mode. she didn't come out so I kept walking in a fit of calm rage. you ever heard the expression calm like a bomb? I was calm but touch me and I might have exploded.
I went up stairs and stayed there becuase I didn't want to go to jail, and right that moment I wouldn't have put it past me to punch a few teeth out of her face if I saw her again. I thought about going to the garage and beating the shit out of the punching bag but I'd half to pass my mothers room and I couldn't promise that I wouldn't do anything rash.
I'm still talking to her as little as possible. I'm through with the crying about my mother being such a bitch routine I'm just in the pure rage stage now. I've not liked her but delt with her shit for a long time, now I just hate her fucking ass. I wish she would die so I could get my social sequrity money.
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