The answer to my icon... "Frequently."
Anyways. So apparently my Livejournal has become a Twi-journal, haha. That's mostly because I don't have a life to speak of at the moment, though. When I went to pick up my check last week they had "gone" written on my timecard and asked if I'd found another job yet. I was like... o_O See, I had asked them the week before and they said I was as needed and now all of a sudden I'd been let go? I was like wtf, how about telling someone when they've been let go? But whatever, I'd already been trying to find another job anyway and I really hated that stupid place.
Okay, so I am reading the Twilight Saga for a fourth time and am now in the middle of Eclipse. I am trying to read them slowly this time so that I can really absorb everything, and I just have to applaud Stephenie for a moment for her attention to detail/history. I've never really noticed before but I love how consistently she uses Bella's aversion to blood--every time someone bleeds around her she mentions how Bella has to breathe through her mouth and ignore the rust-and-salt smell. You don't see that kind of consistency often!
One really cool thing about re-reading these books is that every time you read them you discover something new about every one.
....Ahahahaha, this is absolutely hillarious!!
As much as I love HP I do believe that Twilight trumps it by quite a bit. She makes some really good points and this is my fave bit, the Twilight girl describing Harry Potter:
"Harry's in trouble. Voldemort is trying to kill Harry. Harry didn't die. WHAT a surprise."
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Oh, and I want this wedding someday. Srsly.
^^By Gecks on Twilight20Somethings
Okay so anyway... I really need to be writing so that's it for this update of my Twijournal, LOL.
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