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ETA: Belated Happy Halloween to all! Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween!
I decided to do a mini-update... I really should be sleeping but I was busy making CDs and editing the above video and posting it up. I just want to say that I went to Fright Fest at Six Flags last night and had a blast! It was one of the best Halloweens I've ever had. =D
Now, off to bed I go!
ETA (again): EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Lookie what I made!!!
Desription: Yay, my first Twilight vid! This song is one of my favorites from the incredible Mitch Hansen Band and I really tried to do justice to their lyrics. The editing is off and the last clip isn't supposed to be in there (the computer and Moviemaker were screwing up--it took me an hour just to get the darn thing to save the movie file) so my apologies! Please let me know what you think!
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