Apr 06, 2005 16:50
I just put my escrow down for my new place!!!
It was a good day...Last night I was utterly PISSED OFF at the condo company...I went in today with paperwork in my gun holster practically. I was going to unleash on them. I met my realtor Paul at the place...It was the first time I met him and he was remarkable. I'm totally glad Tim referred me to him. If you're looking to buy a place, this guy KICKS ASS and will give you tons of money back and isn't a fucking con artist like the rest of them.
Anyways, we get inside. Paul does his magic and is getting a lowered rate for me. Me and the sales lady start to really bang heads but after about 5 mins we cool down. She asks for my help a lot with her computer and getting things to work. I was thinking she was kind of ditzy but oh well. Anyhow, I get everything straightened out. After about an hour of sitting there, I'm starting to notice - hey this sales lady is actually pretty fuckin hot. hahahaha.
So...we go through all this shit..sign paperwork..blah blah blah...Paul leaves about halfway through...and I get everything else done...The sales lady follows me outside (she only came in to do my contract then was taking the rest of the day off)...Anyways she brings up matchmaking me and says nevermind...and then she somehow slides into our convo that she's single..she asks me how old she is...She ends up being 38....eh I'm 29...not terribly bad...but boy she has a body on her.
I'm kinda stumped.....it was just really "awkward" how she was treating me...I asked Mangrum about it and he sold it off to her selling me real estate and doing a sales job on me with sex...I'm thinking about giving it a shot and asking her out though...what could it hurt I figure...the only problem is that she is technically in contract talks with me...I'm sure her company might have a stipulation about being in negotiations and having a "relationship" with a client no matter what type of relationship that is.....It's unfair business practice.
I'm not too incredibly stressed about it...but it was just one of those moments where 10 minutes after it happened I'm kicking myself in the head because I didn't act upon something. I HATE that about myself. When it comes to kicking back and just going with the flow, I pull out the pisces card and think about it for 2 hours...by the time I'm done thinking about it the moment is over.