Katana 006

May 29, 2008 10:07

[Red, so much red, the once pure white snow is now tainted in the carmine color. Her top is torn, exposing the x-shaped scar on her chest. Her body frail, seems to shudder as the cold wind caresses it. Weak, so very weak...

Pale skin is covered in blood, too much to tell if it is her own or someone else's. The pain that courses through her body is nothing new, she's used to it already, but the images in her head cause a soft cry leave her lips while she stumbles forward. A hand reaches for her head as she closes her eyes for a moment, teeth digging in the flesh of her lower-lip, breaking skin, making her taste blood. ]

Stop it!

[The words are shouted between clenched teeth as her body shakes in anger or in fear, no one really knows. Her eyes snap open. However those same dark eyes, normally hard and full of emotion, look so dull but at the same time so haunted at the moment while her small lips part to take in much needed air.

A broken doll. ]

[Another step is taken forward, only for her knees to give up from under her. She lands than face first in the snow...for a moment her fingers tighten on the katana in her hand, but it's only short lived as her dark eyes flutter close.

She just wants to sleep at the moment...she just needs to...]


((ooc: Yes, she's back earlier than expected. Why? Because Nill needs to stop worrying, right Noa? XD))

injured, back from the malnosso

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