OOC: Relationship Chart!

Aug 16, 2010 03:43

*-Eh, you're okay...don't know you so well.
**-Acquaintances/Wants to get to know you more
***-Officially considered a buddy
****-A good friend
*****-Would kill for you

usedsuitup: You were the first person to talk Kovu through his journey, and you guys keep in communication.  He enjoys talking to you and as of now you are...***

honor_first: You're a nice guy, and you talk Kovu through some shit, and he would like to talk to you and get to know you more. **

heatherusedrage: You always seem to be the first one to respond to Kovu.  You openly make fun of him, and he still isn't annoyed by you.  You seem to remind him of Kiara in a very vague way, so maybe there lies the comfort.  He wants to become closer. ***

kungfumaniac: Kovu thinks that you are hilarious.  You got so shaken up when he gave you crap, but you remind him a lot of a certain someone he had to leave behind when he came to this world.  He likes to mess with you, but he'd also like to be friends. ***

devilbatshit: You frighten Kovu a little...but he doesn't mind you.  *

walking_the_cat: You've popped up a few times, and Kovu is interested in maybe getting to know you. *

brokenamulet: Kovu sort of finds you adorable.  You're innocent sort of nature makes him feel like you need someone to protect you or something. *

justicereigns: You have by far the most stimulating conversations of anyone Kovu has met here.  He doesn't mind you, which is a little surprising to him, and hopes you guys can get closer (deep down, anyway). **

magictricking: You amuse Kovu, but you're a little annoying.  But, you're not malicious, so far as he knows, so he doesn't mind you that much. *
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