Running away is simply waiting in one spot but never being there.

Sep 21, 2009 19:18

We forget what we want to remember and we remember what we want to forget.
-- The Road, by Cormac McCarthy

Are the beautiful things in my life worth forgetting then? Is pain all that is left cherishing?
-- J., 0815h, 092109


Quoted that line more times than I would care to remember. Now I have the other side of the question. Ha! You got owned, quotable quote!

Speaking of that quote, the movie adaptation of The Road has trailers now. Woohoo, Mortensen and Theron for the motherfucking win!


Love is a lot like electric fans.

Guess why! Free lunch on Wednesday for anyone who can give the answer (or the best one!).

And, please, no emo jackassness.

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