Nov 18, 2006 16:36
wow.....what a change one person can make in your's kinda odd...what a turn-around. wow......i got a job and i love it! Victoria's is so awesome! i like working there a lot and i like it when people stop in to see me every once and a while. I also know that i have made up my mind to become a physical therapist. i think that would be so fun. i do not mind touching people (and i can steal energy from them with direct contact without them knowing *smiles deviously) and i love to give massages! i also really like to help people with their health (i just realized) so i can also implement my herbal studies into that and give them ideas on how to fix certain problems using herbs instead of that pill crap. that would make me happy. actually..... happier. :) I'm very happy right now. He's shown me a light that i will never be able to put out. even if somewhere down the line we do end up splitting up (which would not be good *laughs) the flame he showed me would still not be quenched. But you don't have to worry about us splitting up. we've already talked about getting and apartment together splitting it 50/50. we've also talked about getting married and you know what? i'm not scared! i'm actually looking forward to being able to wake up in the morning in his arms... I love him so much and i'm not afraid of it. I can't believe my life has done such a turn-around. this just goes to show that no matter how bad things get they can always get better again! :D hope you guys are all doing ok as well! because me? i am finally genuinely happy.....:)