Mornings are not my friend. I was going to wear a cute little skirt today, but I was so out of it that I cut myself shaving my legs in the shower approximately twenty times. Per leg. Now I can't wear a cute little skirt because the eye will be drawn away from said cuteness to the horrible gashes in my leg flesh. I shouldn't even try to be cute. Really.
In other news, I am enjoying my usual summer freak out about the APS bill. It doubled from the beginning of May to the beginning of June. Doubled! Curse you, desert wasteland I live in! Curse you!
Actually, there is one (maybe there are two) nice things about living in Phoenix. Once or twice a season, the jacaranda blooms. It lasts for about two days, but while it lasts it looks like this and it's one of my favorite desert plants:
And finally, I see that today is National Donut Day. Someone damn well better bring donuts to work. Someone other than moi, that is.