A nightmare...

Apr 24, 2006 19:03

Rishid's dreams get steadily worse... warning, unpleasantness, including rape, within.

Rishid hated the Darkness. He loathed it. With every fiber of his being. Even now, standing here, staring at the Entity of Darkness, he couldn't help but twitch at the crawling feeling over his skin. It was as if he was being suffocated, smothered under the earth, and covered in ants. Red fire ants.

"You vile thing," he finally managed to speak past the choking darkness. "Take down the Darkness and release me, or Gods help me, I'll destroy you..."

Cackling softly, the entity shook his head, looking rather amused, eyes bright and wild."Destroy Me? Many have tried that in the past, servant, better men than you. I thought you'd be pleased to be brought back here. After all, we have so many memories..."

Snickering, Bakura stepped over to the taller man, grinning up at him madly.

Rishid's eyes narrowed, and his fist clenched. He reached for a weapon, only to find himself unarmed. "That was a mistake, creature of Darkness... It will not happen again..." He forced himself not to take a step back, to stare down at him as calmly as he could. "I do not want to be here."

"Yes you do," Bakura purred, reaching up to briefly run a slender finger along Rishid's jawline. "You know you do, especially since I took the liberty of preparing a special little present for you..."

Taking a step back and grinning madly, Bakura spread his arms and slowly melted, his features running into each other, until he stood as a formless mass, his cackle slowly fading. The Darkness covered it, swarming over the colorless once-man, and when they retreated, a rather frightened-looking Shizuka was in his place.

Rishid's eyes widened, and he grabbed the not-Shizuka- she is not Shizuka, it is not Shizuka...- and shook her- him- it- sharply. "Enough of this! Go back to what you once were! This is not her!"

Wincing and trembling in fear, Shizuka said, "Stop Rishid-san, why are you shaking me? Where are we? What's going on?" Hunching in on herself, she looked up at him, eyes huge.

Rishid snapped; the sight of this creature imitating his beloved in every way was absolutely infuriating. Backhanding it- it is not Shizuka. It is not! - sharply across the face, he spoke lowly, in the most threatening voice he could manage. "You will cease this immediately, entity... this is unacceptable..."

Crying out in pain and stumbling back, Shizuka pressed a hand to her reddened cheek, tearse spilling from her eyes. Taking another careful few steps away, she stared at him, expression shocked and tortured. "Rishid-san? Why did you hit me?" She looked around again, as if seeking a way to escape him, but simply shuddered at the sight of the unending darkness.

Rishid advanced on her, grabbing her wrist. "You are not Shizuka!" He snarled, forcing her down to the gound. "You are nothing, you are not my Shizuka!" He smacked her- it- again, furious, only wanting it to turn back into the Entity so he could feel justified, so that he wouldn't have to see her frightened and crying...

Screaming, both from fear and from pain, Shizuka tried to twist around in his grip, to force him off of her and away. "Stop it, what are you doing?" she cried. "I am Shizuka, what are you talking about? Rishid-san, please let me go, we have to get out of here!"

Rishid held her there roughly, telling himself firmly that this was not his Shizuka, that he was not doing this to her. "What do you want from me, creature?" He pressed his entire weight against her, pinning her to the ground. "Is this what you want?"

Gasping and still struggling, finding it hard to breathe beneath his heavy weight, Shizuka pushed against his chest insistently with her free hand. "Creature? Rishid-san, stop it, you're scaring me! Please!"

Rishid easily grabbed her other wrist and held them both- so tiny, so fragile, so easy to break- in one hand, pinning them above her head. "Shut up! It is what you want, isn't it?" He leaned in close, lips against her ear. "You simply want a repeat of last time, don't you... idiot. Stupid, stupid fool..."

"Stop it, Rishid-san!" she cried again, little wrists twisting in his hands,trying desperately to break free. Laughter echoed in the darkness around them, tangible and almost oily, clinging to Rishid's skin.

Shizuka went still at the sound of the laugher, wide eyes looking around at the darkness rather than at him.

Rishid shuddered and closed his eyes tightly, resisting the urge to claw at his own arms. Instead, he tightened his grip on Shizuka- no, the not-Shizuka. "Parlour tricks..." he muttered, shaking doubt from his mind and mvoing to tear at Shizuka's clothing.

Shizuka squealed when he tightened his grip, feeling her skin start to bruise. She made another frightened sound when he began to tear at her clothing, ripping it apart as if the fabric were made out of paper, and tendrils of darkness began to creep in, running around her skin as it was laid bare.

"What are you doing?" Her tone was panicked now, eyes focused back on him.

Rishid kept ahold of her wrists, though his other hand moved over her bare skin. "Exactly what you want," he murmured, fingers tracing patterns. "Since you've gone and made yourself so lovely for me." His tone turned mocking, and he pondered the issue of getting his pants undone with one hand.

"Stop it," she pleaded, though she shivered a little from her touch, an entirely physical reaction that ashamed her. "Please..." Her wrists continued twisting, endlessly trying to break free, growing more panicked by the minute.

"Shut up," Rishid snapped, tightening his grip further on her wrists. "And stop struggling. You're distracting me..." He paused, wondering, just for a moment, then leaning down and kissing her. It isn't Shizuka... it isn't... I don't care.

Her protests were muffled by his kiss, but she didn't stop struggling, trying to get into the right position to kick him. She managed to bend her hands enough to scratch him with her nails, the bright spots of blood almost immediately lapped up by the darkness.

Rishid shuddered, the pain distracting and irritating. Pulling away, he placed his free hand at her throat. "Enough," he hissed. "Stop this now." He was too far gone, he couldn't tell himself that it wasn't her or that it wasn't him anymore, it was her but it wasn't, and he wanted her, the pain pushing him over the edge of sanity.

Her head tilted back a little, against the nonexistent flooring, as it trying to escape from the fingers pressed too tightly against her throat. As soon as he pulled away, she kicked at him frantically, not even expecting to land a blow but having to try.

Rishid twisted easily, avoiding the kicks. "You never listen, do you?" He said dryly, trying to undo his pants with one hand, keeping her wrists pinned. "Ever. How annoying... Though I should've expected it..."

Slowly opening her eyes, they were immediately drawn downwards, growing wider at the sight of him fumbling with his belt. Tears sprinkling down her cheeks, she said, desperately, "Rishid-san, no, don't, please...not again, I can't take it, please!"

Rishid stopped fumbling with his belt to press a finger to her lips. "Shh. If I recall correctly, you willingly slept with Yami no Malik... I doubt that this will be any worse..." the he remembered, it wasn't Shizuka, it wasn't! But that thought was gone again quickly, and he quickly moved to strip her entirely.

"This is against my will!" she wailed, praying she could get through to him. "Look at where we are, look at what you're doing! You're not like this, Rishid-san! Stop, please, I beg you!" She started squirming and thrashing again, crying.

"This is how you want me to be," he mumbled, lips against her neck, fingers stroking the soft skin. "Calm down." He finally let go of her wrists so he could easily and quickly get out of his pants, taking a that time to look at her, taking in each detail. But it isn't her...

"No it isn't!" Taking advantage of her sudden freedom, she slapped him as hard as she could manage, nails scratching his cheek. Pressing both hands against his chest, she shoved, as hard as she could, though she barely managed to move him an inch. "Let me go, this isn't funny!"

Rishid put one hand to his cheek, eyes narrowing. "Enough of that..." Kicking his pants to the side, he pressed against her again, moving to pin her hands above her head once more. "You lost your chance."

Head tilting back to stare briefly at her recaptured wrists, Shizuka looked back up at him, tears trickling down her cheeks in a steady stream. "My chance to what? Please just let me go...Rishid-san, we can leave here and...go somewhere and talk...please..." She sniffled, nose and cheeks red from her crying. "You're hurting me..."

Rishid shook his head. "No... no, I've... this is... waited..." He shook his head, disoriented now, unsure of what story to believe. "I... want..." Shaking his head sharply again, he glared at her, him, it didn't matter. "I'm ending this..." he wedged a knee in between hers.

"No," she whimpered softly, wrists going limp in his grasp. She was tired from her struggling, breathing a little heavily, and she was finally realizing she wasn't going to be able to get away. Eyes locking on his, hers unnaturally shiny from the tears, she pleaded one more time, "Please don't."

Rishid's head tilted slightly, and he stroked her cheek. "So beautiful," he murmured, shifts a bit and pressing against her carefully. "So lovely..."

Shizuka jerked away from his gentle touch, giving a brief ineffective glare before turning her head away, refusing to look at him. "Stop," she murmured, before biting her lip and tightly closing her eyes.

He kissed her again, enjoying now how quiet and soft she was, shifting back and entering her as gently as he could, murmuring to her, lost in the fantasy now. "My Shizuka, my Shizuka..."

A low whine escaped her lips as he slid inside, and she shook her head again in protest, instinctively fighting against him again. She twisted her wrists, trying to scratch at him, starting to cry again.

Rishid frowned, blinking at her. Wait. This... this isn't right... she... she shouldn't... His lips peeled back in disgust as he remembered where he was. "Stupid- how dare you!" He'd let himself be drawn in, and he was only lucky that the entity hadn't acted on it. Smacking her- it- sharply, he pulled out and slammed back in.

Crying out loudly, Shizuka huddled back against the floor, cheek stinging from the slap. Turning her head to look back up at him, she begged, "Stop it, please stop it!"

Ignoring her pleas- they ment nothing, it wasn't really her- he continued his rough, fast pace against her, scowling. "Stop complaining... you didn't last time..." His hands went to her hips, griping tightly, bruisingly.

"Last time? What are you talking about? We've never..." As soon as he freed her hands she again slapped him, scratching and clawing at him.

Rishid laughed and only tightedn his grip to bruising force, shaking his head. "How quickly you forget..." he hissed, shifting a bit against her.

Shizuka squealed very softly in pain, hands flying to her hips to try to dislodge his own, pushing and prying at them. "Let go! Let go, let go, let go, stop it!"

Rishid snorted, ignoring her pleas and continuing to move roughly against her, eyes closing. If this is what he wants, it's what he gets... it's not Shizuka...

Growing too fatigued to fight anymore, her hands fell limp against the non-existent ground, fingers curling against her palms. Head turning to the side, eyes closing tightly as if to deny what was happening, she simply waited, small pained sounds occasionally escaping.

Rishid snorted softly, feeling inwardly disappointed at the entity's refusal to fight- because it simply wasn't Shizuka, it couldn't be- and continued his movements, feeling the heat spread throughout him.

After a few minutes, Shizuka found her voice again. "I hate you," she muttered, though her words were clear and audible. "I hate you, just like I hate Bakura-san and Yami no Bakura-san. You are no better than they are."

Rishid's release was moments away, the blood pounding in his ears. He heard her speak; knew she was speaking to him, but he couldn't discern the words. The pleasure was what mattered now, and he strove for it with every bit of his consciousness.

As if sensing he was close, the cackling resumed around them, and the Dark Bakura materialized off to the side, slowly appearing from the darkness. He remained just out of Rishid's sight, however, watching, his eyes alight with madness.

Shizuka, noticing the entity, screamed.

Rishid shuddered at the sound of her scream, eyes closing tightly, fhands clenching on her hips. With a wordless growl, his release overwhelmed him and he slumped against her, eyes closed, shuddering mindlessly.

Snickering softly, the entity applauded slowly, walking towards the pair. "Good show," he said, affecting an English accent momentarily. "I had a feeling you'd think she was a plant. It's always so nice to see victims overanalyze their situations and dig their own graves. Congratulations - you lose."

Rishid froze, eyes widening in absolute horror, whipping around, falling to one side and staring at the entity. "...you... you..." He turned back to look at Shizuka, expression one of terror and guilt and despair. "Shizuka... I... Oh, Gods..."

"You really should have listened to her," Bakura said chidingly, head tilting to the side. "She did plead so beautifully, and yet you ignored her...perhaps you may be of some use yet."

Shizuka remained silent, eyes fixed on the entity.

Rishid's eyes were wide, and stared at Shizuka. "Shizuka... Shizuka, Gods, I'm- I'm so sorry, I'm- I didn't- I thought he- if I'd known it was you... I never..." He reached for her hand, his own hands trembling. "Please, I'm so sorry, I am..."

Almost immediately, she drew her hand out of his reach, even though she wasn't even looking down at their hands. "Don't touch me," she hissed, finally looking over at him, face red from crying. "Get off..."

"You'd better listen to the girl," Bakura advised, trying to sound worried for Rishid's welfare. "After all, a person with enough negative emotions might actually find power here...or so I've been told." He was lying, of course, but Rishid did not know that.

Rishid wasn't afraid of Shizuka striking him down- Gods knew, he deserved it. He backed away, kneeling down, eyes closed, fighting tears. "Shizuka, please, I'm sorry, please..."

"Isn't it pretty?" the entity purred, watching as Shizuka struggled up to her knees, attempting to cover her chest with her hands. He slowly paced over, dropping a pale hand to slip through the red strands of her hair. "A man, broken and bleeding...torn apart by his own actions..."

Rishid's fists clenched, and his eyes closed tightly. "This can't be real..." he chanted, shaking his head. "It can't be real. This isn't real." he looked slowly at Shizuka, and shivered. "It can't be real..."

Shizuka looked away from him, trying to curl up into herself more, bruises evident on her skin. Bakura continued stroking her hair, as if soothing a kitten. "Oh but it is," he cackled, regarding Rishid with amusement. "Wasn't it delicious? You finally got what you wanted out of her...and all because of Me. You should be grateful."

Rishid stared at her- at what he'd done, Gods, what had he done?- and shook his head. "N-no, this... this wasn't what I wanted... I... I wanted her willingly... I wanted... I wanted her to want me, I wanted her to love me, I didn't want this, not this..." He reached out a hand for Shizuka. "Shizuka, please, believe me... I thought- I thought you were him..."

Shizuka immediately scrambled back, smacking into Bakura's legs and having to stop. She bit her lip and stared down at the ground,not answering him.

"A part of you wanted it, Rishid. Otherwise, you would have been able to stop. But you couldn't. You cannot supress that part of yourself, no matter how hard you try. This would have happened eventually in the real world; instead, I allowed it to happen here, where there are no physical consequences, only mental. As I said, you should thank Me."

"NO!" Rishid lunged to his feet, teetering unsteadily. "You lie! I would never, ever harm Shizuka that way! Never! I'd die before I did! I- I thought- she was you- you were her- you- you bastard!"

"You thought too much," Bakura said simply, his form and that of Shizuka's gradually becoming misty. "And now you pay the price..." His laughter echoed in the darkness as they both vanished

Rishid lunged for him, hands closing only on mist. "No! Stop running away, you bastard!" He turned this way and that,s earching for the entity. "Shizuka, please! I'm sorry... I'm... I'm..." He fell to his knees, clutching his head, trying not to cry. "I'm-" the darkness was overpowering, he couldn't see anymore.

With a gasp, he sat straight up in bed. After a terrifying moment, he scrambled for the phone, frantically dialing Shizuka's number without a thought to the time.

Stretching comfortably in her bed, Miw-sher curled up next to her on a pillow, Shizuka nearly fell right off the bed when the phone rang, loud in her ear. Muttering a rather unladylike curse, she blindly groped her nightstand, finally grabbing the phone and putting it to her ear.

"'lo?" she mumbled.

Rishid's hands shook. Just tell me she'll forgive me... "Shizuka... Shizuka, listen to me, I'm so sorry, I am, you must believe me... I'm so sorry... I am..."

"Sorry?" she asked, clearly half-asleep. "What for? Who is this?" Yawning, she pulled the covers back up to her chin.

Rishid mentally smacked himself after looking at the clock. Three AM. Of course. "It's Rishid... I... d-did you just have a nightmare?"

"No," she said, voice still thick with sleep. "I don't 'member what I was dreaming." Miw-sher, annoyed at being woken up, mewed loudly in the background.

Rishid started to relax. "All right... I... I had a nightmare... I just wanted to make sure you were all right." He swallowed, eyes closing. "I... I'm glad you are..."

"A nightmare?" she asked, gradually waking up. "I'm fine...Rishid-san, what time is it?"

"Far too early for me to have disturbed you." Rishid's tone was apologetic, and he tried very hard to hide how shaken he really was. "My apologies..."

"S'ok," she replied, stretching out again. "Was there anything else?"

Rishid shook his head slowly. "No... no, I think I'm fine..." Taking a deep breath, he sighed. "Thank you... I'm just... glad you're all right."

"Mmmhmm," Shizuka agreed happily, mind not really processing what he was saying. "Then goodnight, Rishid-san!"

Rishid smiled faintly, relaxing completely as her happy tone premeated his brain. "Yes... goodnight, Shizuka... rest well."

Mumbling something incoherent in return, Shizuka pressed the button to turn off the phone, then set it down somewhere on the nightstand, not bothering to even look. Yawning, she rolled over and fell back asleep.

Rishid laid back as well, but sleep eluded him. Eventually, he simply got up, and moved to sit and watch TV, trying to numb his brain to the sound of Shizuka's crying.

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