Feb 09, 2006 21:46
ok last night i had the weirdest dream, like scary, wake up sweating weird. even weirder is the fact i remember it, b/c i don't think i usually dream or at least never remember the dream, especially since i just talked about dreams w/ someone last night. i don't know where i was but i had just been picked up by my dad from somewhere upstate or something and we were driving along the road, i was listening 2 music that seemed to be coming from nowhere and staring out the window. suddenly me stomach dropped, the car disappeared and i was alone in the dark road through the forest surrounded by dead deer. they were everywhere, cut open and mangled. it was disgusting and so scary. i fell to the side rite into my father to my left and as i reached to the left i felt fur and looked to see like a wolf or something but i woke up at that point so i don't know. it was so creepy and i don't get it.