Bean Sidhe Friday

Feb 27, 2009 15:38

They ambushed her on the way back from her hike, driving Ashling into a corner. She opened her mouth to scream and was immediately assaulted by the think stench of decomp dripping from rotting limbs. The scream came out more of a squeak, but it was enough to give the undead pause.

Just like that, they retreated and left Ashling alone, trembling against the garage wall.

Ashling: Why, oh why, is this happening to me?

Having heard the scream, Eimhir ran to her daughter’s defense.

Ashling: It was just so awful! With their beady little bloodshot eyes and the gaping wounds in their skin. I could see bone.

Ashling: Bone, mom!

Eimhir sighed and hugged her daughter closer, wishing she could spare her a life of running after the dead and dying, yet knowing there was nothing to be done.

Eimhir: I know you don’t want to hear this, Ash, but they are visiting you for a reason. They are not going to stop until whatever unfinished business they have is resolved. That’s the crappy bit about this job. That and all the screaming is hell on the vocal cords.

After the panic had passed and Ashling thought the matter through, her mother’s words started making an unpleasant sort of sense. As much as she didn’t want any contact with these foul beings, she certainly did not want them following her around for the rest of her life. Her boyfriend was sweet enough to be willing to overlook her odd family heritage, but what was the chances of him appreciating having undead perverts peeping in through their windows at night.

A long, frustrating search through the house finally paid off. One of the banshee generations before had left an old magic book behind. Not only did it include useful remedies for curing an adulterous spouse of their wandering, but it also contained a spell for invoking the dearly departed. That the departed in question were not exactly souls or ghosts would hopefully not be too big a deal.

~*~ Magic Induced Dream / Hallucination Segment ~*~

Ashling: Who are you? What do you want? Why won’t you stop stalking my family?

Zombie Chick: We need you to lead us.

Ashling: Lead your souls to rest? But I’m not fully qualified in soul transportation yet. I only get my full powers when I am legal, my mother still has to do the leading.

Zombie Dude: We are the Undead Ballet Company and we lost our lead. She was decapitated in the prime of her career. Goddamn Winchesters.

Ashling: You guys are out of your minds!

Zombie Dude: Crazy, no, but good? Oh so very.

Zombie Dude: And with you by our side we will once again be the be the freshest act in all the Otherworld. So to speak.

~*~ End Magic Induced Dream / Hallucination Segment ~*~

Not long after her run in with the stinkers, the seasons changed and with it came birthdays.

Finally considered adults, Balfour wasted no time in bidding his family goodbye to run off and do what non-banshee Bean Sidhe boys did in their spare time. Something not involving screaming like an old woman, hopefully.

Ashling on the other hand invited her boyfriend, who’s name turned out to be Greg, over to give him give him the kiss of adulthood and to also move him in on the spot.

For a while life continued on at it’s own quiet pace. Having spoken to the undead seemed to appease them for a while and left Ashling free to pursue other hobbies.

And so their little family grew.

bean sidhe

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