I am feeling kinda lazy lately. Anyone mind terribly if I try my hand at comment style legacying instead of pretending there is a story? Also, I have no funny today, my tummy hurts.
When last we left off, Nissa and her hubby were coverting on their new bed and causing the entire trailer to rock in a very telling manner. It was not long before all this “calorie burning” produced fruit.
Er, two fruits. One of the male and one of the female variety.
Roo turned out not to be the worse father in the park, even if they had to put the babies up in the living area of the trailer due to insufficient space for a second bedroom.
The little girl was named Wisefist.
And the little boy Braveshot. Do not ask, just do not ask. And they looked just like their father (#&@!!!). No one could fault them for this though, there was just too much friggin cute to stay mad at.
The problem with buying second hand is things always broke down before the 10th use. Thank AL for nosy helpful and free labour! Landlords.
And so the kiddies grew up. <3 Wisefist!
Her brother... not so much.
The happily married pair remained their usual horny selves.
Though they had no responsible parenting skills to speak off, allowing their offspring to play outside on the playground at 2 am in the morning in the freshly fallen snow.
Nissa’s skills as a housewife may have included Mac & Cheese of the highest quality, but her Eggs Benedict were a complete and utter flop.
Which she forced the family to eat anyway. Bit by gagging bit.
They were hearty souls, not even a case of food poisoning could keep them down for long.
(the puking might have been from the spinny thing in the playground, but the yacking did occur right after breakfast so I am not sure)
Living in a trailer park was awesome. Not only did you never have to be lonely, but you could parade around in your PJs and hog the free pizza.
Seasons passed, the kids turned to teens and Braveshot’s chance at being heir dropped to 0. If one think he ever had a chance, that is. Turns half alien teens have freaky robot eyes that could only possibly be more horrid if they were red! *shudders*
Braveshot had one thing going for him, he was a total chick magnet and often brought girls home with him.
Eimhir Bean Sidhe: I can have minty freshness?
Downside? Though shalt not be procreating with my other legacy heirs!
Having proven her green skin fetish once more, Eimhir invaded the Doohickey trailer and chowed the last of their Chinese take-out. Looking supremely hot while doing so, I might add.
ILU Eimhir! Now go back to your own house.
Mr Menon made his returned. He seems to have made peace with the fact that Roo was just never going to swing that way, and turned to preying on jailbait instead.
Get away from girl, you skanky man!
The twins had not outgrown their love of the playground and their enthusiasm quickly infected their parental units. Who would be the Doohick Swingers Champ this Sunday?
Er, not it.
Yes! We have a winner. In every way that mattered.
Wow, fastest I have ever written an update. And yet I feel dirty and lame and very unworthy. I can’t do comments, I am the suck.
Edit: Did I mention you should all totally click my dragon eggs? Really, you should. Then they will grow big and strong and hopefully female.