nice eh?
take me anywhere you want to a place that we don't know :)
man, sonic R soundtrack never fails to put me in a happy mood.
you can get it for free here - if youre in need of a jolt of happy music ;) especially Diamond in the Sky, Can You Feel the Sunshine, and Living in the City.
hehe. oh man. i have so much im nervous about. so much im excited about.
my heart is back to being that water glass exploded in space,
im finally in control of my emotions again. my head and heart make sense now. even if they cant necessarily do anything about themselves. I got my priorities straight. as soon as november hits, ill be a lot better off. I need to get paid. Im in the red right now. scary.
also! to my mirror imaged male version MK whom literally says the same thing i do all the time: - - - in case he reads this, i'd like to say hello and welcome to my blog to my newest LJ buddy, Jahn :) hi hi ^^
i miss and love yall!
- your neighborhood nomadic princess that likes to migrate to another castle,
MK :)