Jul 23, 2006 14:13
I am as scared of being lost as I am of being find out.
Here is my gift and my flaw: I get my values more from literature than from other people. For instance, from Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead, I learned that human achievement is the highest goal, even at the expense of religion or the environment. I am not saying that one should deliberately destroy rainforests and kill baby panda bears. I'm just saying that if what it takes to create a literary masterpiece that will forever change our understanding of the world is to chop a few more trees for my notebook, then so be it. If a mountain has to be mined for its marble at the expense of the creatures that live there so that a genius sculpture can be erected, then by all means drive out the sparrows and eagles. Notice I've used "masterpiece and genius". The caveat is that the work of art has to be purposeful, by which I mean that it somehow, by its very presence, enhances the standards of living of the people who have encountered it. I realize this is highly idealistic, but...There. I've said it. Bring out your blow horns and soap boxes, here is my philosophy and I cannot be dissuaded.