
Oct 01, 2007 22:49

Howdy all!

Long time since I last updated mainly cause the effort of having to move everything away from my computer before I can use it soon put's me off or make's me too tired to think ^_^ *is very very very messy*

A lot has happened in the past month or so that I can't bothered to really go into.

There was the fun of me finally telling Lor I was leaving Blockbusters after having her keep pushing me to quit due in part to my back problems.....that and I had a little talk with HER boss while she was away about a few things she was doing with regards to the general running of the store that were making it VERY difficult to work in.
However the little chats Lor was making me sit through had been going on months, she pretended to show sympathy for my problem by saying things like "your health is the most important thing" "you have to put yourself first" "no one will look after you but you", but knowing that she has never cared about anything but her kids and herself! I soon saw through that and when last chat went something like this:

L: "If I was you I would just leave"
M: "Yes, I am looking to leave but I can't until I have a new job"
L: "yes but if you leave you can look for a new job while resting"
M: "during which time Ill have no money and bill's to pay, I CAN NOT AFFORD TO LEAVE *spelling it out as firm as I can"
L: "just go on benefit, I mean your back is causing you problems"
M: "when its bad yes but i've taken no time off - i wouldn't be able to get benefits if I just leave and to be honest I would never go on them while Im still able to work"
L: "You should just leave, id do it if I was in your place"

As you can see, she was doing everything but pushing me out the door so I cracked...I couldn't sit and take it so I told her I would leave in 6 weeks if I could. However last week I had to tell her I was staying till mid January. I fibbed and said I had a job offer starting then so was going to sty to save messing around and cause back was feeling better after a little rest. Her face fell! lol she said she would have to talk to Nora but i've heard nothing more since they can't sack me in any way and my saying I would leave is not an official notice so they have nothing ^_^

That said im still looking for new job and if I can I would love to drop her ass when she is really busy since she made a point of saying I didn't have to work any notice if I didn't want too lol stupid bint.

So that's been the big bit of my life over the past few weeks. I've been getting on with the new staff especially Benjamin who is just super - manages to cheer me up even when im in a foul mood with his impressions, singing and tales of his wired current lady.

The other big thing has been the fact that Channel 4 has been running its Cinema India season!! ^_^ My love for all things Bollywood/Indian Film Industry has grown with my new affection for Shahrukh Khan and Saif Ali Khan, both big stars and big hotties - something about hearing Saif singing in Hindi makes my spine tingle lol Though the sad thing is that I can't find anyone else who like's it - Japanese, Chinese and Korean stuff yes but ask someone if they like Bollywood stuff too and they look mortified ><;; nothing wrong with it damn it!!!

I recommend everyone watch it on Thursday and Sunday nights cause tis most enjoyable! And if your a fan let me know cause id love to know im not the only one lol

work, saif ali khan, shahrukh khan, bollywood

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