The graduation party tonight was a rather fun time. The paradox with fake cousins is that, though they're great folks and we do get along, on average, we only see each other once a year. Thus, it takes a while for us to get into conversation, after just the generic, small talk, card games, and awkward silence. Congratulations to my eldest fake cousin for graduating college. Jeez, old people.
When I got home (it was the first time coming home from this house we didn't get lost at least once), I pulled a muscle in my leg. It hurt. Now, I'm watching WHYY, there's a concert with Eric Clapton, Robert Cray, and a bunch of other big musicians. Buddy Guy came out later, and played "Sweet Home Chicago," he rocked the joint, and kicked massive amounts of ass.
Tommorow, I have to finish up the seminar project.
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