Dec 25, 2005 13:06
Jolly ChristmaHanuKwanzakkah! I just like saying that.
What'd I get for christmas this year? Chronicles of Naria gift set, gift cards galore (yay!), make up, a wallet, lotions, and WIZARDS-SIXERS TIX for Feb!!! YAY! Haven't received the gifts from my big bro yet (nor did I send his yet, so we're even, hehe).
And now. A basketball double header. And baking more cookies and perhaps a cake. And Les Miserables tonight. And I don't have to go to Maryland. And no work tomorrow. This is a good Christmas.
I'm torn between rooting for the Lakers or Miami tonight. I hate Shaq. I don't dislike Kobe. I love Dwayne Wade. I love Lamar Odom. I don't like Kwame Brown. A Miami win knocks the Wizards farther down the rung (and they're sucking miserably already). I may have to go with being for the Lakers. And this is the biggest dilemma I have today. God life is good.